Title: Crawling Backwards
616HasGotANameFandom: Music/VAM
Summery: Ville is in love with Bam, but Bam only loves Ville when he’s drunk. By morning it’s forgotten and Bam goes on to believe that they’re still just friends. Ville puts up with it for his love, but it’s slowly killing him inside.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Pairing: VAM…eventually.
Rating: NC-17 in some parts…but generally it’s R
This lovely banner was made by the one and only
annushkazhivago. Thanks bunches, doll!
As always, links behind the cut.
Prologue Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter FiveChapter SixChapter SevenChapter EightChapter NineChapter TenChapter ElevenChapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen I'm deeply ashamed about this wait. I had the whole chapter completed when my computer decided to get infected with spyware...again. Not only could I not get online, but it deleted the entire new chapter. Fucker. I tried to write it out as quickly as possible, so you guys would't have to wait so long and so I could remember what I put down--but that resulted in it coming out shorter and well...pretty much like utter shit. Sorry
Chapter Fifteen
It was over before I even had time to account for what had happened. We were lying on the plush couch, him half in my arms and half dangling off the edge, as I whispered comforting words in his ear. A sheen of sweat glistened off of his forehead, catching the light of a nearby lamp and sparkling like a beacon in the dimly lit room. I wanted to hold him like this forever, just to have him by my side with the knowledge that he was mine. I wanted him to keep his arms around me like they were now, never letting go and promising to stay by my side. He did promise never to leave me, but I couldn’t ignore the paranoid fear that he was lying to me again. And it hurt to know that even after all we had been through, I couldn’t bring myself to trust him fully.
“You have no idea how much this means to me,” he whispered suddenly, rolling over so that he was facing me. The couch was small and the position was slightly uncomfortable, but it was worth it.
I peered down into his blue eyes, eyes that were clouded with the after-affect of an amazing orgasm. “I think I should be the one saying those words.”
He only nodded, nuzzling his face into my chest as he matched his breathing to mine. I knew that he understood. I knew that he had some knowledge of the pain that I was feeling and what his actions were doing for me-how he was curing me slowly with his easy touch. I heard him sigh in content as his eyes slipped closed, thick eyelashes brushing against my flesh and causing me to giggle slightly at the sensation. It was simple and elegant, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
A slight snore escaped his lips as he buried himself deeper in my warmth, his grip tightening and his muscles relaxing. I placed a loving kiss on his forehead, brief but straightforward. When I knew that he was completely unconscious, I whispered, “I love you, Brandon.”
That name held such importance to me. Other than his mother-who only used the name when she was upset-I was the only one who took pleasure in dropping the childish nickname. Bam seemed so arrogant to me, like a bad habit that couldn’t be kicked. Brandon, on the other hand, was almost like a dirty secret that few people knew about; a little glimpse at an adult hidden within a child’s mind. I knew that Bam belonged to many people, but Brandon belonged to me.
Behind me the front door clicked open and I could hear the noise of several people walking into the house-the distinct sound of Bam’s friends making as much noise as humanly possible echoing throughout the large castle. Bam turned away from me in his sleep, nearly falling off the couch in the process. Glancing toward the door, I saw Dunn, Raab and Novak laughing in the vestibule, obviously drunk off their asses. I pushed myself up into a sitting position, throwing a blanket over Bam’s still slumbering form, before going to greet them at the door.
“Hey Ville, I didn’t know you were stopping by!” Dunn smiled and embraced me in a friendly hug. I returned the fondness with a hug of my own. The other guys each extended a hand in my direction, which I took with a nod before we all moved into the pirate bar.
“Yeah, I just came in the other night,” I shrugged, grabbing a beer from the fridge and taking a seat beside the boys. “Try to keep it down; Bam’s passed out on the couch over there.”
“How much did he drink?” Raab asked hypothetically, laughing as he brought his own bottle to his lips.
I smirked at the reality of the situation. If only they knew what had really worn the skater out…
We slipped into casual conversation, the stock of empty beer bottles before us growing in number as the hours flew past us. As I brought my fifth beer to my lips, I felt myself leaning heavily on the barstool. Beside me Novak was draped in Raab’s arms, the dropout trying desperately to keep the druggy on two legs. Dunn seemed moderately sober, still sipping at his third beer, as he laughed at the expense of us drunken fools. It felt good to have people outside of the band that I could trust. People that I could have a good time with and not have to worry about them selling my night to the press. These people were just as much my friends as they were Bam’s, and it was comforting to know that we had a common interest.
As the clock above the pirate bar struck two a.m., I found myself being drawn toward the bedroom upstairs. I wasn’t drunk enough to be hung-over the next morning, but I knew that if I didn’t stop now I would be. Quickly gulping down the last of my beer, I pushed myself from the bar and bid the boys goodnight before heading up the stairs for one of the many spare bedrooms. There was one room designated entirely for me, off to the end of the hall with a thick cherry wood door. Like many of the other rooms in the castle, the thick door was adorned with a chrome heartagram plaque. But mine was different. Although it wasn’t visible to just anyone’s eyes, my first name was engraved in the center of the heart, right beneath the apex of the triangle that completed the design. When I first saw it I assumed that all the doors were marked this way-that each of the boys had their own plaque with their own names on them. A quick scan of the castle proved that wrong. Although Bam always assured me, and anyone else that noticed, that it was out of respect for the man who created the symbol, I had come to take it as a sign of something else entirely.
Pushing open the door, I threw myself on the plush bed and buried my face in the cold pillows. This was my home away from home. I could live in this room just as peacefully as if it were my apartment back in Helsinki.
The walls were a dark shade of purple, blocking out any intrusive morning sunlight that would mange to slip through the thick black curtains. There was no ceiling fixture. Instead the walls were festooned with elegant sconces, lit with faux candles run by electricity. A thick crème colored carpet lined the floors, soft enough for my bare feet to sink into its folds like sand. Beside the large queen-sized bed, there were two end tables made out of dark cherry wood. Beneath them were shelves lined with my favorite books and CDs; my own personal library. It was paradise. I had always envisioned that if I got around to decorating my own apartment, it would look something like this.
Delicately peeling back the blanket-obviously made up by the wonderful April-I slid under the thick down filled comforter and tried to get some sleep. I could still hear the boys laughing downstairs, and the noise was nearly enough to drive me mad. Soon enough though, their footsteps pounded up the stairs and they retired to their individual rooms. Just as silence once more filled the large house, I heard my door creek open slightly and a dim light from the hallway filled a small section of the room.
Glancing up, I saw Novak standing in the doorway looking around with a confused expression on his face. “This isn’t my room…”
“No, it’s not,” I laughed, shaking my head. I expected him to turn around and leave then, but he just stood there and wavered a bit in his stance.
Suddenly his head snapped up and his eyes locked with mine. “Oh, Ville! What’s up man?”
I watched as he dug around in his pockets, obviously searching for something, before he moved to sit down at the edge of my bed. I only laughed at him. This tpe of behavior was expected from Novak. A proud look flashed across his face as he finally found what he was looking for-a small Ziploc bag filled with tiny blue pills.
“Check this out, dude,” he grinned, taking one of the pills out and popping it in his mouth as if it were candy. Bam had told me that Novak had kicked his drug habits, but that obviously wasn’t true. He held the bag out to me and asked, “Want some?”
I stared at his outstretched hand for a moment, trying to figure out the best response. After a second I just shrugged and asked, “What is it?”
“Xanies, baby,” he grinned. At my confused look he continued. “Xanax, nothing major. Small milligram; just a few blue footballs.” As I examined the bag more closely I realized that the pills did resemble miniature American footballs. Nonetheless, I shook my head and pushed the offered hand away with a silent ‘no-thanks.’ “Oh, come on man, I thought you were a rockstar!”
I was a rockstar, but my drug days were over. I had experimented with pot and alcohol when I was younger, like every other teenager, but I never committed to harder drugs nor did I ever plan to. He kept his arm outstretched before me, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask, “What does it do for you?”
“It calms you down,” he shrugged. “It makes everything okay again.” His eyes briefly scanned over the room before snapping back to me. “It makes all the fucked up shit in the world seem…not so important.”
My mind thought back to the image of Bam passed out on the couch downstairs. What if he left me? What if everything he said was a lie? What if…I couldn’t complete that thought. With a smooth shrug I snatched the offered bag and popped two of the small pills. Novak smiled and stuffed the small bag back in his pocket before standing up.
“All right!” He laughed. “You’re gonna’ sleep good tonight!”
I watched as he moved to the door, pausing for a second before closing it softly behind him and shrouding the room in darkness. What had I just done? Nothing!, my mind screamed at my conscience. I felt completely normal, which meant that the drugs obviously weren’t that strong-which, in turn, meant that I had done nothing wrong. Right?
I rolled over on my side and once more buried my face into the cool pillow. It didn’t take long before my eyelids grew heavy and I fell into the deepest slumber that I had ever experienced.
I awoke several hours later to the racket of death metal blasting throughout the castle. The noise was thundering and growing in both volume and ferocity, forcing me to climb from my comfortable bed and stumble down the numerous stairs. Bam was leaning against his jukebox, skimming through the myriad of songs and stuffing a frozen breakfast burrito in his mouth.
“Wille!” He shouted as he saw me, whipping around a dribbling a bit of his breakfast on his shirt like a child would. “It’s about time you got your ass up! I was starting to get worried!”
I smiled and placed an affectionate kiss on his cheek, pushing away when he tried to return the offer. “I don’t want to smell like that shit you’re eating.”
“Hey! This is fine American cuisine, if you can’t appreciate it than you can fuck off!” he joked. I found it hysterical how, despite having all the money in the world, he could still live off of the garbage they sold in the back of 711.
“If you insist, Bammi,” I smiled and patted his back. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to find some real breakfast.”
I heard him chuckle and shout a few choice words as I made my way to the kitchen, unenthusiastically rummaging through the cupboards for something edible. The kitchen was basically barren except for a few leftovers from throughout the week, but I eventually stumbled across a box of Count Chocula.
“You think I eat unhealthily and yet you’re sitting there shoving sugar down your throat?” I laughed as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me backwards against his chest. I glanced around the room to make sure no one was watching. I knew he wouldn’t be acting this affectionate if the others were around.
“But at least mine has a vampire on the box,” I argued, sticking my tongue out at him playfully.
“I can’t argue with that,” he smiled, his fingers running down my sides and causing me to giggle. I leaned back into his touch a little more, my head resting on his shoulder as he placed feather-soft butterfly kisses along my neck. Just as a moan escaped my lips we heard the front door crash open. As if he was burned, Bam jerked away from me, leaving me standing at the kitchen counter while he wandered off to greet his friends.
A growl of frustration caught in my throat. I suddenly wasn’t hungry any more. Putting the box back in the cupboard, I dropped the half-eaten bowl in the sink and walked out to the living room. Sure enough, the entire gang was lounging about and loudly talking of the days plans.
“Dude, that would be fucking sick!”
I had obviously joined in the conversation at the wrong time. Taking a seat beside Bam on the couch, I tried to pick up on what they were talking about. I remembered that they often used the term ‘sick’ to represent something awesome, although I could never really understand the meaning behind that one. Raab was practically jumping up and down as he quickly talked about something involving a rally race while Bam and the others tried to ignore him. It didn’t work, though.
The conversation didn’t seem to be veering off into a subject that would benefit me in any way, so without saying goodbye I stood from the couch and made my way outside. I needed a cigarette and some time to think, and I was pretty sure that there was no one crouched behind a bush in the front yard waiting to attack me with something fowl smelling.
It was cold outside, but not nearly as bad as back home. I could handle the brisk wind without a problem. Cupping my hands together, I lit my first fag of the day and inhaled deeply. I heard the door open behind me, but ignored it and continued walking down the snake-run driveway. It didn’t take long for the footsteps to catch up with me, though. Twirling around, expecting to see Bam standing there with that lopsided grin on his face, I smirked seductively and said, “What can I do you for, baby?”
“You know how I roll, sweetheart.” The voice evidently wasn’t Bam’s, and the embarrassment I felt nearly caused me to drop my cigarette. Luckily, years of practice had taught me how to handle them properly. Novak grinned up at me and winked. “So how’d you like it?”
It took me a second to realize what he had been talking about. I had completely forgotten about the previous night’s bedtime events, and once the memory was revitalized I was overcome with a strong feeling of shame. It wasn’t like me to just jump into that sort of activity. But I couldn’t lie, it had helped. “It was…alright.”
“Alright? Are you shitting me, Valo?” He laughed, his eyebrows arching comically. “No worries, I’ll just have to hook you up some other time. You cool with that?”
I shrugged my shoulders and muttered a ‘sure’, not really knowing what I should say. He seemed content with my answer, because he patted my back in a friendly gesture and walked away. I watched as he disappeared into the house before taking another drag off my cigarette. The taste seemed stale and bitter on my tongue. Stubbing it out with the toe of my boot, I stuffed my hands in my pockets and went back inside.
Once again, sorry.