yellow_crayon17 wrote in
Feb 19, 2005 18:14
I was wondering if you could help me on something. I have all the settings on my journal that i want but i cant see the font with basically any color that i want cause i just changed the background. So i was wondering if you could tell me how I could change the font box thing from transparent to the semi transparent thing.....
thanks for your help
xhard_candyx wrote in
Feb 13, 2005 14:16
Hi i have just a simple question.. Do you know how to have music in your live journal? Don't mean to be a bother.. Thank you =] x0x
xholdmyheart wrote in
Feb 02, 2005 18:50
hey could someone please explain to me how to put stuff
under an lj cut? i tried the code but i didnt really understand it.
thanks, <3 jess