The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
liveindeathboy spend too much time on LiveJournal?I think he spends too much time on DeadJournal. Haha, get it? XDWould
musical_snakes look better not wearing pants, or not wearing a shirt?I'd be scared either way.What was
real_evil_twin wearing, the last time you noticed?A manskirt.What hobby do you think
boss_tsunade should take up?Sewing or meditating. @_@What do you think of when you see
magenoir?A bigger, taller and less annoying Sasuke. What do you find admirable about
impassive?NOTHING OBVIOUSLY.When was the last time you talked to
kakakuraa?When he tried to steal my cookies.Is
branching_out's spoon too big?Spoon? His spoon looked normal to me.After a cataclysmic war, whom would you pair with
we_r_notamused to repopulate the Earth?...:\What would
madamezune do with half a million dollars (U.S.)?Buy herself a new crystal ball!Where would you take
ravenclawspider on a vacation?Japan! What is
ravenclawkank_'s favorite band?One of those emo ones. :DDDWhat is
erecto_patronum's fantasy?Uh...PAINFUL and disturbing? >_>;;Who would make a better stuffed animal,
omghostaoba or
professor_gai?THAT'S TOO HARD. TT___TT Probably Professor Gai because he's still living dynamic.What was the last game you played with
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
Do you feel enlightened now?
And how come I don't get a plant? ;_;