You all enjoy your vacation? I did. I thought there would be some excellent changes along the line of how the school is operated while I was gone, but, sadly, there are still students here.
I wanna go to ze clubs >x> butIamkeptonaleashandthatleashisnamedItachi.
BUT! :D I canna wait for Kure-chan's wedding~ v.v if I can get a dress picked out for me by then. 0v0 whenisitwhenisitwhenisit???? That'll at least make up for the lack of excitement~
If you had me alone locked up in your house for twenty-four hours and I had to do whatever you wanted me to, what would you do with me? Posts won't be screened, but pretend they are. Then repost this in your LJ -- or don't. You might be surprised with the responses you get.
Ok so like.... why the hell are the Ravenclaw dormitories so much more comfortable than Gryffindor? Is it just because Gryffindor sucks, or because Ravenclaws just demand special treatment for their supposedly huge brains? It's quite possibly the company, but I'm not very sure
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Itachaaaaaan T____T I wanna go to the nightclub, can I go by myself without you giving me a third degree when I get baaack? I promise I won't do anything that would make you bitter jealous and act evil for the next few days~So yeah 9_9 I met Micky Mouse ^w^ She's a sweet girl~ So kind to ze upper-classman, yep yep
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