If you're here because you want to read something I've written or are interested in any future items I write, you'll need to be added as a friend. And since I imagine most of what I write will be mature content, you'll need to show your birth year. Just want to make sure I'm not corrupting the future of America or something.
Summary: Dark Harry/Ginny AU. "The rabbit hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down." Harry and Ginny find their world tumbling down around them. Mature content and dark themes.
I am a really, really awful person for 1) disappearing, 2) disappearing without finishing Down the Rabbit Hole, and 3) disappearing without giving Ella any warning at all that I intended to leave. I probably even inspired some sort of pact between Ella and Mel that they would never, ever do what I did.