::The Basics::
1.Name/Nickname: kisame
2.Age: 21
3.Gender: female
4.Likes: sport (especially fighting art) , going to somewhere new, every art, make new friends
5.Dislikes: stay sit still, someone that look down to women
7.Goals/Dreams:to be someone that have a target for life
8.Hobbies/Talents: sports, saw a movie, drawing, read anything
9.Strong Points: can make any friend anywhere, listen to anybody stories
10.Weak Points: I'm tricky person, too hyper, have heroin complex, short tempered, I've kinda seductive face ^^;
11.Your General mood: hyper
12.What's your personality in three to six words: Moody, loyal yet manipulative, Lose Hater, Aggressive
13.Color: Red Blood/ Wine color
14.Animal: Wolf
15.Food: Japanese Dish
16.Quote: As Long You Still Alive, There Is No Impossible Word
17.Air Gear Character and why: Benkei!! I hope I can grow to be a stunning lady like her
::Least Favorite::
18.Color: pastel color...to soft for me
19.Animal:Geckos...If the big one is okay for me (made me wanna crush it in my hand)
20.Food: Liver dish...It taste like blood for me
21.Air Gear Character and why:Simca...I kinda weak to the person like her (the one that I handle my emotion towards. either I will protect her or the opposite of it)
::Are you::
22.Mature or Immature:I can be both depend to the situation
23.a Leader or Follower:Leader, but I prefer to be behind the one
24.Optimistic or Pessimistic:Optimistic
25.Outgoing or Shy:Outgoing
26.Quick to Act or Not:Too Quick to think, my body get some reflex for it
27.Include a picture or describe yourself: I'm a real Boyish so don't judge it by only looks to my appearance
28.Anything else: Nice to meet you all, and pardon for your vote
29. Please link the 3 people you voted for here as proof: (IF there was only two down to no people that you were able to vote for leave a note saying so here.)