[In this thread: The Kingdom Hearts cast cabin. The situation: Mickey Mouse and Aqua discussing what's been, and what is to come in their craaaazy lives. Of course, if anyone else wants to use this thread to have their characters duly informed, don't hesitate to tag in! The exposition-party is hereby open to all you little heart-kids!]
[Mickey Mouse is currently enjoying the benefits of being the overlord of cute, fuzzy small animals- a large number of voles has appeared and carried out their search for all who would have him as their counselor, informing them that they may receive said counseling at a Certain Location
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Stealing this from Robin because it looked like funsies.
Comment here with the name of your character(s) and the series they're from and I WILL TELL YOU WHAT I KNOW ABOUT THEM/IT/THINGS in one+ sentence. EVEN/ESPECIALLY IF WE'VE NEVER THREADED.