Title: Miracle Doctor Pairings: Zelo centric, Banghim, Kiwoon Summary: there was only one doctor who could cure his sister. Warnings: Youngjae is a lady~ Notes: it moves from third person point of view to Zelo centric
Title: The other being Pairings: Banghim, ninja!DaeJae, ninja!Jonglo Summary: Himchan always knew he was different and that he could hear other beings, he just didn't know how deep the other being's feelings were. Notes: I have the tendency to run away from my original plots.
Title: Of Lights, Zelo and Banghim Pairings: Banghim Summary: Yongguk just didn't understand what Himchan wanted until a certain Light Fair came into the picture Notes: banghim.... And Himchan's princess grumpy pouting is just damn cute... :3
Title: Hyunseung sshi part 2 Pairings: Junseung Summary: the cute couple's relationship grows into something more. Notes: I dragged this for about 3 months already so I decided to just end it once and for all~
Title: Yes, Yes you're highness Pairing: Banghim Summary: When Himchan says so, Yongguk just has to follow... or else. Notes: i love you banghim... and I THINK YOU CAN CONSIDER THIS AS A DRABBLE? it's so short idk what to do with it...
Sickness Series : I'm not guilty right? Pairings: Dongwoon-centric Summary: What lies behind that ever amazing handsome university student is a face of a serial killer. Warnings: CONTAINS DEATH SCENES AND PEOPLE DYING... Please please pleaseee don't read before sleeping