Previous Chapters:
V Veronaville IV Pleasantview III Bluewater Village II Strangetown I Downtown VI Belladonna Cove
Dear Oberon and Titania:
We have settled in Belladonna Cove, on a two story apartment with three rooms.
My room is spacious enough to add a crib when our baby is born
with the nursery right by it, so I'm close to the girls,
and the boys have their own space downstairs.
Everyone enjoys living here, and I decided to use some vacations days before maternity leave to spend more time with the kids before the new baby is born.
I quickly found a nanny so I could go out to run errand and shopping,
but most of the time I spend at home with my children.
Molly won't be a baby for much longer,
and Maya is growing up so fast, she will be joining her brothers in school before I know it.
The building is also right in front of the park, so the kids can go there if they want,
but I prefer to join them when possible.
The park is not only a great place to meet the neighbors,
but above all I love seeing how close the boys are growing, and how much fun they have together.
We are also just a couple of block away from the beach and I'm planning to take the kids there on the weekend, but for now they use the building's pool almost every day. It's perfect for the hot sunny days.
They get home from school,
go to the pool for a couple of hours,
and then come back inside feeling refreshed and ready to do their homeworks.
Molly's birthday was shortly ago,
She's such a sweet little girl.
and it's so beautiful to see her sharing more with her sister.
The house is so alive with all of them,
and I can already feel their new sibling will be joining them soon.
I know you will want to come to meet the baby. I'm be looking forward to see you both soon.
(Read Part 2
That took long, but I'm finally back in the trail. :)
I needed a break from this game, and spent some time playing sims 3 (In Lucky Palms with TS3 Darren and Darleen Dreamer. If anyone is curious check it
from the beginning here.), but now I'm back with in the Moonbeam Household and ready to finish the challenge once and for all.
I finished playing belladonna Cove some time ago, and I'm already half way thru the following (7th) town, so at least in game and getting very close to the last town. Writing however is coming out a bit slow, so that may take a little longer, but at least I'm working on it again.
Playing BC was fun in part because there was a lot to do, but it's getting harder and harder to meet sims in game. Not sure if it because Blossom already know too many sims, but the game keeps sending sims she already know to community lots instead of sims of the current hood like I wish to. I'm having the same problem right now in DV and it's becoming very frustrating, tbh. I lost a lot of time in BC just trying to meet someone interesting, so in DV is simply ended up summoning a bunch of local sims in a lot to make it faster. I don't want to spend too much time there.
Also not sure if anyone will notice, but I was cropping the pictures in the earliest updates until I lost all the my actions to edit pictures and don't want to do them all again. I thought they look nice like they were (the crop was 650x400 so the pictures looked wider instead of square), but now I just want to focus on posting/writing instead editing images so much. I was even retouching thought-bubbles/plumbobs and such when needed, but don't feel like doing that either, so in general probably the picts won't be as good as they used to be for now on.
I'll do my best to have the next part ready soon.
Thanks so much for reading! <3