Another entry for that fanart meme.

Jan 02, 2007 03:16

Since everyone else seems to be doing it and , shucks, I'm such a sucker for peer pressure, here's my fanart year in review. Actually, since I was without a computer for the majority of this year, it's more like a 1/4 year in review.

Pieces Posted in 2006

Everybody Loves Anguinea for anguin34 - Snape, G
Regret - Snape/Lupin, G
Lucius Lovely Locks for buttfacemakani- Lucius (Narcissa makes a "vocal" appearance), G
The Kiss - Snape/Lupin, PG
Ginny for kimmparker - Ginny, G
Why They Won't Let Me Near Hogwarts - me and Snape, G

October - Snape/Lupin, G
'Opposite Sides' pencil sketch and f@%$ed-up color version and final color version - Snape/Lupin, G
Young Tom Riddle for a_wormwood (yes, the color version is still coming) - Tom Riddle and snakey, G
Birthday girft art for innerslytherin - Snape/Lupin, PG
Luna Lovegood - Luna, G
Thank You, drabble done for snupin100's "Dinner" challenge - Snape/Lupin, G
Snupin drabbles done during a lupin_snape ship chat - Snape/Lupin, G to PG
Drunkawble (Drunk Drawble) - Harry and Snape, G
Snape Strikes a Pose - Snape, G (or PG, depending on if you're looking in the comments or not. *smirk*)
How... Sweet - Remus/Tonks, G
Concentration for severity_softly - Snape/Lupin, G
Balloon Comic for _lore - Snape/Lupin, G (maybe PG, for balloon violence :o )

Self Portrait - me, Snape/Lupin, G
Metro Doodles - Snape, Moony, Harry, and Cho; G (Yes, I do realize that I never did post again with more doodles in response to the prompts that people were so kind to leave... I plan to remedy that in due course with something better than newspaper doodles since it's taken me so long to get to them. Sorry!)
Don't Call Me Coward! - Snape and Harry, G
Panels from and unfinished comic for lupin_snape's Spooky Snupin Challenge - Snape/Lupin, G
Pay Up Severus for addreamy - McGonagall and Snape, G

Mmmm... Chocolate" for lupin_snape's Food Challenge - Snape/Lupin, PG
By the Fireside - Snape/Lupin, G (there are also fabulous colored versions by innerslytherin, almost_clara, and isildurs_babe in the comments)
2 Illustrations for "Dances With Werewolves" by schemingreader, for cruisedirector's birthday community dear_surpise - Snape/Lupin; NC17, NWS (Warning: these illustrations accompany a fic and both contain fairly graphic man-love, so don't click the link if that squicks you)
Snape sketch - Snape, G
Cheat for snegurochka_lee - Snape/Lupin, PG (though a lot is implied)
Practice sketch with new tablet tool - me, Snape, and Lupin; G
Birthday gift art for dirtyjoe81 - Harry, G
*Lick* for scribbulus_ink's birthday community pies_and_sherry - Snape/Lupin; R, NWS
snupin_santa Gift Art for kainoliero (It accompanies the limericks written by thewantonvixen... scroll down to the end) - Snape/Lupin; NC-17 NWS

You know, 31 pieces in 4 months is not too shabby. I did a lot more than I realized. Go me!


My favourite pic

This was my first (and so far, only) attempt at illustrating a canon scene and aside from running out of space in my sketchbook and giving Snape stumpy legs, I'm quite pleased with the outcome. Perhaps not so coincidentally, this also happens to be one of my favorite scenes from the entire series.

My Best

Hard to say. Looking back, I suppose this one of Tom Riddle would qualify for me. At least, I can definitely see why a_wormwood has such a thing for the Dark Lord. *ahem*

Most Underappreciated by the Universe

You know, I really can't think of anything I did that didn't get a lot more attention than I was expecting. You're all so kind. *pinch*

Most Fun

I'd say the Balloon Comic I did for _lore. I felt a bit of guilty satisfaction torturing that poor balloon.


Gotta say, even though there's no naughty bits, the look of bliss Remus' face does it for me everytime.

Art with Single Sexiest Moment

Snape's giraffe neck bugs me a bit, but again, it's Remus that makes the pic for me. *fans self*

Biggest disappointment

My still unfinished Spooky Snupin comic. I might finished it... one day. *sigh*

Biggest Surprise

Remus and Tonks?! I had intended for it to be a comic poking a bit of fun at Tonks' crush on Lupin and somehow she managed to turn out too cute to torture.

Hardest to draw color

I think it turned out alright in the end, thanks to buttfacemakani's quick tutorial in why I'm a photoshop moron. ;P

Picture I want to be remembered

Because an ass like that can't be forgotten.

Goals for Next Year

As horrible as this is to say (especially in a meme about fanart), my goal for 2007 is to make less fanart and more real art that I can use in my portfolio. It's about time I stopped pining for an art job and actually tried to get one. Unfortunately, I can't really do so while I feel obligated to the fandom. I will definitely still be around and I do plan on participating in 3 particular challenges in the upcoming month, but I don't think I'll be posting as much fanart in general for a while. I need to be a little selfish l so that I can get my life situated.

This was really a tough one for me. For pretty much the entire year prior to returning to the fandom, I had stopped making art of any kind. Art school really burned me out and after graduating, I had absolutely no artistic interest or inspiration left. I didn't care if I ever picked up another sketchpad, but after a good long sulk, something sparked inside me and I was suddenly excited about art again. I consider these past four months practice for what's to come next .

Thank you to everyone who has posted such nice comments about my stuff these past 4 months. You've all really given me back the motivation that I thought I'd lost.

fanart, 2006 review, memes, hp art

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