Name: Emily Lauren
Age: 19
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Describe yourself, as best you can, in a few sentences: Iam a headstrong free-spirited dreamer. I believe in true love but have yet to experience it. I often consider myself "quirky" & If I really want something I dont take "no" for an answer. From afar I may look predatory or unfriendly but thats usually not the case, Iam usually outgoing & extroverted but sometimes it takes awhile for people to get to know me. I have a fiery temper & at times I can be quite competitive if I really, really want something that I know is rightfully mine.
Positives: dreamer,strong-willed,free-spirit, compassionate, romantic, curious, passionate, loyal, creative, determinend
Negatives: stubborn, emotional, senstive, headstrong, sharp-tounge/sarcastic, fiery temper, abit judgmental/jumps to conclusions
Are you happy right now? Somewhat
What do you want most in the world? I want to marry my true love & start a family, have a career on Broadway & for all my friends & family to be happy
What are you passionate about? peace & love, my dreams
[ ] Optimistic
[ ] Happy
[ ] Vain
[X] Curious
[ ] Temperamental
[X] Kind
[ ] Cold
[X] Distant
[X] Daydreamer
Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Realist: It depends on the situation, Id say Im more of an idealist
Calm or Temperamental: I can be both
Leap without looking or look before you leap: Leap without looking
Head-strong or a pushover: Headstrong
Everything else:
Favourite season: Summer
Favourite time of the day: Twilight
Favourite color: Red
Have you read Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland? Of course! many, many times
Have you seen/played/read one of the different adaptions? Absolutley!
If so, what did you think of them/it? Which was your favourite? I can honestly say that I loved them all, me & my older sister grew up with the classic Disney version - so that`s always going to be my favorite adaptation. But I really enjoyed the Tim Burton one aswell - I saw it twice & im going again....soon XD
Thank you for voting!<3