I had one of the most unenjoyable Chinese New Years ever this year, even though I know I must have suckier ones during my childhood that I don't remember. Three days before the first day of Chinese New Year (as some of you might have already heard about), I was involved in an automobile accident. A minor one though; it happened in the parking lot
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Comments 57
My recommendation to cheer you up: Listen to KAT-TUN's "Ultimate Wheels" repeatedly. Kame's wonderful voice will surely cheer you up <3. Also, if you haven't seen it yet, download "The Shounen Club" from 2/04 and watch Kame playing an adorkable female~
Also, kudos for joining a gym, getting interested in dance again, and working hard at your job last year! Focusing on the positive is always good (^__^)
Yatta, same to you! The year is still early, we will work the 2011!
I WANT THAT SO BADLY ;A; Girl!Kame is soooo freaking cute! I even loved that he put his hair behind his ears like he did in NwP!
Thanks Joo (*3*)
Kazuko has already made his appearance twice, have you seen the first?
The whole car situation is such a bummer =/ . Also bleck at the toothache (;A;) *nurses* have you been able to get it looked at yet? :(
Jobs are good though!! I feel you on doing something I never really expected to be doing, and being a bit out of my elements at times..but it's definitely better than the alternative :D!
THE JOO BOOBS ARE STILL GLORIOUS AND IN GOOD SHAPE FOR COMFORTING YAAAAAY!! \o/ brickedshotkicked...seriously impressed with how dedicated and keen you are on dance bb *o* <333...and it always feels amazing to be really healthy :D! I always think you're pretty fab ;-) <3
KAMEEEEEEEEE!!! (next year this post is going to say " FELL IN LOVE WITH TOMMY AND BECAME A MODEL PITARD :D" .../shameless)
Yes, definitely better than the alternative. Which is either 1. frequently in search for a new job due to constant dissatisfaction or 2. unemployed. I'll only take the second option if I become a millionaire overnight :D
It makes me happy <3333333 And I feel like life has a meaning or something *shoots a castaway look* and it's really effective in destressing. One trouble, but one trip to the gym and it's over.
You're making me consider starting dancing lessons and going to the gym again too :D! I should give it a try...it does help so much with moods and feeling positive ^_^!! also loosing weight is always nice >_>;
/happily watches your endearingly futile bravado about resisting Tommy's charms :3
*pinches cheeks* one holiday with me and you will have no shame about coming out of the closet about your love for Tommy :D!!!
Maybe you should, then we can share our gym stories and encourage everyone to go gym, we can relate to Uepi about incessantly going to gym and rejecting invitations to hang out with other people. XDDDD
I STILL LOVE HIM MOLESTED THAN UNMOLESTED. Tommy-kun molested = happy me, tommy-kun unmolested = "......". Seeeeeee, molestation status plays a role.
Well, you had several things improve over the past year! That's a good thing to focus on instead of the recent car mishaps.
Sad to hear about your car, but at least you're ok *pats*. Exercise talk makes me guilty because I hardly exercise (aside from walking around in my heels).
my boobs refused to slim down even though my tummy flattened
Why does this happen? I will forever be annoyed about it. Not that I've lost much weight, but I wish weight loss was in evenly spread across the body.
Maybe because I work out around the tummy more? I also wish my arms can slim down, but alas, things don't always work out the way we have wanted it to. But they will, I will make them *glares at boobs*
I'm a little too fond of this icon. CUTE KAMEFACE ATTACKS YOU.
why so cute *melts*
2- ZOMG THE TAGS!!! (especially the ones about kamefat, i should steal them)
3- I'm sorry for your car accident :/ But the best thing is that you're safe and sound. I don't know if this can comfort you, but I was way more stupid than you. T_T A morning I was going to work, I crashed on my own house's external wall, the one near the gate. Well I can't call it a crash coz I basically dented the side of the car. The damage is still there since this summer so I see it everyday and my heart cries ;A; at least it is a memento: "wake up properly before taking your car outside the garage" XD
4- I'm so glad you signed up for gym! Do my part too~ I wanted to do it too, but indeed, it seems I'm too lazy :/
5- However, my boobs refused to slim down even though my tummy flattened <-- Is this a bad thing?!?! X°°D
2. LOLOLOLOL my tags are insane, go steal them! (the world needs more kamefat love)
3. Oh when I started driving, I couldn't straighten the steering wheel after turning and crashed into the railing besides the drain and though my car was fixed, the railing remained dented and it was my family's in-joke for almost a year XDDDD
4. Awww, take your time, you'll love it!
5. Not when I wanna buy a top and the boob area is a bit tight ... =[
2- Totally! I'm already crying at the thought he wants/must start a diet from april. NO!! ;A; I swear I'll stalk him after DB to make him eat a lot of pasta and italian food just to restore his fat ;A;
3- LOL!! high five here! X°D
4- I really wanted to, I already went to ask about the fee, but I needed to save for my JP trip (gym is expensive X_X), and Uni+work life left me without time and energy *headdesk*
5- You don't know how much I lots of girls outside there would be glad to have your problem X°°D
4. Oh Japan trip! Ok, no gym for you, go save save save and look forward to that glorious trip! When will it be?
5. LOL trust me, mine isn't huge, just that I want it smaller XDDDD
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