Well that was a horrid night! Woke up really early after horrid realistic nightmares that have made me feel soooo depressed and not let me sleep properly all night after that - I'm pretty sure I dozed, but the dreams that I had then, though I can't remember the visuals, have just added to it and left me feeling so shit
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Yes - this morning Mookie brought me a present. I was still half asleep and had kind of registered him playing with something for about half an hour. It wasn't until he jumped up onto the bed, dropped something and then patted it, looked at me and then patted it again that I suddenly thought "Oh no - it's a mouse! He's been playing with a poor
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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take one moment of your time to sign this petitionA so called artist decided that taking a stray dog off the street, tying it up in a corner and starving it to death (so people could watch it's deteriation) is "art". What made it worse is that the title of the "exhibit" was boldly put on the wall crafted out of dry dog
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So... at 1pm I was woken up when the whole house shook like a bomb had gone off in the garden! I shouted as I sat up thinking Stephen had jumped on the bed at the same time! But nope... it was my first ever earthquake!