Well, OK, I'll be the voice of gloom. If you reply to one of those things, you run the risk of being put on the mailing list of Lucifer@Maleb.org or other similar, less pleasant spam groups. I vote for "don't reply."
That said, if you're willing to risk it, you must post updates.
Comments 6
Well, OK, I'll be the voice of gloom. If you reply to one of those things, you run the risk of being put on the mailing list of Lucifer@Maleb.org or other similar, less pleasant spam groups. I vote for "don't reply."
That said, if you're willing to risk it, you must post updates.
Although...I suppose I could forward it to my junk account and pretend I got it there....
Hey, I wonder if "Paul" is actually "Lucas"? heh heh
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