Title: On the Snow Pairing: Sehun/Luhan Word Count: 1756 words Side Pairing(s): - Rating: PG-13 Warning(s): [click to open]ghosts Summary: Luhan has enough money for them to go out for the first time. Author's Note: Merry Christmas to everybody! (Even if this was posted one day late huhu)
Title: non omnis moriar Pairing: Chanyeol/Sehun Word count: 19869 Side pairing(s): sort of platonic!sekai, baekchen Rating: R Warning(s): [spoilers]battle royale!au, major character deaths, slight angst, blood, violence Summary: One game. Twelve boys. Three days
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Title: tell me what is love Pairing: Baekhyun/Chanyeol Word Count: 7626 Side Pairing(s): sekai, suchen Rating: PG-13 Warning(s): [spoilers] minor character death, angst Summary: And sometimes, you find love where you least expect to. Author's Note: written for the baeconandeggs exchange
Title: Utaitai Pairing: Suho/D.O Word Count: 3257 words Rating: PG-13 Warnings: - Summary: It's so easy to talk and think about the things everyone wants, but it becomes another thing when it comes to actually getting it. Author's notes: written for capsandpizzas exchange.
Title: State of emergency Pairing: Jongin/D.O Word Count: 8837 words Rating: NC-17 Warnings: possible mental disorder, mentions of abuse when young, minor character deaths Summary: It can't be, this can't be happening. Author's note: written for the forjongin exchange.