Title: Future Unknown
Pairing: David Cook/David Archuleta (eventually :D)
Rating: PG. ish.
Warnings: There will be UST. And fluff. And... David may be too adorable to handle.
Summary: This is a collaboration between myself and my hugely, gorgeously talented wife,
hopefulgenius - which, ha, I am actually jealous of myself right now, my life is so awesome. The premise: the boys star in their own reality TV show.
hello beautifulEpisode 2:
All The Different Ways Episode 3:
streetlight peopleEpisode 4:
Between LimitsEpisode 5:
begging for a backbeatEpisode 6:
FreefallEpisode 7:
it's a problem, i'm dealingEpisode 8:
CyclothymicEpisode 9:
where have you been?Finale:
Present Perfect Progressive And, which reality TV show would be complete without it's own
absolutely famazing website? All artwork, including the spiffy banner here, done by the fantastically talented