Name: Yingyu
【 About Yourself... 】
Please describe your personality:
It's a bit awkward to describe myself, but here goes. I feel like I had changed over the years. I'm usually quiet when I meet new people, but that's not because I'm shy. I prefer to observe a person first. I guess you can say I am unfriendly when I first meet someone. Once I open up, I'm a easy-going, sarcastic, clumsy, a bit oblivious and talkative person.
I definitely have a weird sense of humor and what I like aren't always mainstream. Teasing people is also fun, haha. I'm also imaginative, creative and stubborn. I'm pretty straight-forward and blunt, but I try my best to not hurt other people's feeling with my words. I'm pretty open, you can pretty much talk to me about any topics.
I tend to do self-reflection at times and think about what I did/say and look for ways to improve on. I can be hard on myself at times, but strangely, I can't be hard on others. Also, I hate being fake in front of others, as well as depending on others. I prefer doing things on my own than troubling others. And once I'm determined to do something, I will see though the end of it. Needless to say I also devote time into things I like.
Oh and some of these personality stuffs: Scorpio, INFP or INTP, The Harmony-seeking Idealist , Chaotic Good, Calm thoughtful soul
Positive traits: Loyal, Mature, Good listener, Creative, Determined, Passionate
Negative traits: Lazy, Blunt, Paranoid, Can be laconic at times, Sarcastic, Can be Oblivious at times too
Please list some of your dislikes: Crowded area, Arguments, Sweet food, Cockroach, Studying something I have no interest in, conflicts, Moping on the past (I will sound very insensitive here, but, I find that rather than moping, why not use the time used for moping to do something better and if possible, avoid the same mistakes from happening again?)
What is the first impression that you give others?: Unfriendly I guess? Or Ms.Frosty, quoted from my friend. XD
How are you described by those who know you?: Smart, Unpredicable, Do things at my own pace, Crazy, Cute, Mean, Understanding, Funny, Creative, Serious, Friendly, Nice, Kind, Cold at first but warms up fast, Tsundere, Honest, Easy-going, Extreme <--- I don't really remember how I got all these... sorta conflicting descriptions here & there.
【 Are you more... 】
A realist, an idealist, an optimist or a pessimist: Tries to be Optimistic and is more Realistic. Note: Tries to be.
Cautious or Impulsive: Depends on the situation and my mood. Sometimes, I do make decisions hastily and impulsively.
Calm or Hyper: Calm ~
Trusting or Cynical: Cynical.
Leader or Follower: Follower. Leading is troublesome, but I will step up if no one wants to.
Introverted or Extroverted: In-between, I like my time with people as much as I like my time alone.
Independent or Dependent: Independent, but still dependent on my parents on you know, the basic living stuffs.
Persistent or Laid-Back: I'm laid-back for most of the time, but when it comes to getting things which I really want, I can be really persistent.
Confident or Modest: Depends on the thing I'm doing and the situation I'm in.
【 General Questions... 】
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? To be more trusting towards people.
Do you enjoy conflict or do you seek to end it as soon as you can? I seek to end it as soon as I can. I do not enjoy it a single bit at all. BUT. If it involves something that threatens my beliefs and values, I will argue to no end.
Someone just cut in front of you in the store, when you've already been waiting for quite some time. How do you react? Gets irritated, but do nothing. I don't want to cause an commotion, and I'm pretty used to it since it's common in Singapore.
Imagine yourself fighting in order to save the world, or to put an end to it depending on your ideals. What motivates you to fight? Would it be for the sake of the world, just because you felt like helping out, for a specific desire, for yourself? Just because I felt like helping out or for a specific desire.
Speaking of fighting, would you play the offensive, defensive or supportive role? Offensive or supportive. Defensive is not my style.
You've come across a powerful enemy, but are already aware you won't acquire anything tangible by beating it. Do you fight it anyway? Nope. Too troublesome and risky.
【 Optional 】
Are there any characters you would prefer not to be voted as? Alois, Claude & Drocell, because I didn't watch the anime. But go ahead and vote for them if you really see them.
Please list 5 recent applications you have voted on: (Do NOT recycle the links)
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