As I always say, Karma is a bitch. Even to me. I think I got exactly what I deserved. And I don't know how I'm dealing with it. I'm just all sorts of confused. Emotions are everywhere.
My car is being a vagina right now and I'm pretty much nervous to drive it b/c I'm afraid my tires are just going to pop off or something. I'm really fucking frustrated. So I call the dealership where I got it b/c I want to do it there so I can be like "Uh... I think you may have sold me a crap car. How does the tie rod get busted after owning it
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I learned to play a LOST song on the piano. That really sad one that I love. Go me! *nerd* Also, I haven't bitten my nails in 3 weeks, once again, I seem to be rocking it
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I feel like fall just came out of nowhere on me and bit me in the ass. Not in a bad way, but everything just feels like it's moving so quickly. I realized that I'm in the point of my life where I'm going to start moving in the direction of where I want to be
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I'm starting to become a big fan of sitting around the house in my bra and panties. I feel less fat than I do when I put on clothes. Hmmm... Maria might have something to get used to when she comes back. Of course maybe I like it so much b/c I'm alone in the house and there's no around to have to worry about their opinions. Like if someone random
( Read more... ) those concerning my job, moving to another country, and to stop biting my nails and actually take care of them. It always starts b/c I notice one that I didn't chew off looks so nice when it gets to a decent length
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