There's a spider industriously building a web between my window and bamboo plant. I feel kind of bad that I'm going to break it when I close the blinds. It'll give the spider something more to do the rest of the night. Besides catch the annoying bugs in my apartment, for which I thank it
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I thought that having a minion again meant that I'd work LESS overtime. Well, maybe last week was vacation catch-up. This week, I won't work one minute later than scheduled! Although I have the feeling that if her attitude doesn't improve, this minion's not going to last past the winter slow-down
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I don't like the word "veggie." I don't like the way it feels in my mouth. I don't like the double G. But I do like veggie pizza. Maybe the double Z cancels out the double G
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So I realized today that I've been working on my super-sekkrit Tri-Leaders story since July of 2009. I'm about, oh, half done. So here's an excerpt for you!
I now have one of my student loans paid off! Now I can put that monthly payment into my other student loans. Oh college, why did you have to be so expensive?
Because Lori wished for it, it is done! Behold, a new RPG over at Evilness 102!In the distant future, mankind jumps between the stars using living starships. Despite all the advances in science, a living starship is the only thing that can manage faster than light travel
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Just because I'm good at something, doesn't mean I have to find a way to make money out of it. If I never publish a book, or run a restaurant, or forge ten million dollars worth of stock certificates, it doesn't mean my talents are wasted.