That was a very interesting weekend! I hope I never see Glenn's blood pressure get that high, ever again.
On the other hand, it appears we put in a bid on a house yesterday. Just not the house we thought we'd be bidding on. If we get it, I'm certain this will all work out for the better!
Okay, so I promised more updates later. This is how the
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Comments 4
And yes, I immediately felt better upon stepping into the house, as contrasted to the other house. Especially since the day we went to see the house, the temperature was below 20 degrees F, with winds howling at 50-60 mph. Inside, there was no heat (the house was winterized). So the house was chilly. But much to my surprise, the house also wasn't drafty. All those storm windows are doing what they're supposed to do! It was actually pretty comfy.
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