October 2012
The crowd roared and the cameras swerved into action. Minseok watched from the side-lines, half-hidden behind the scenes, as Lu Han recited his lines calmly and confidently to his audience, although he knew the star was secretly terrified of presenting on live TV.
He didn’t need to be. He executed his part perfectly.
“And now we have the exciting debut for you guys. You know exactly who I’m talking about. I want to hear you make some noise for…Urban Blackout!”
The lights came up behind him on the stage and the room erupted with their biggest cheer yet as Baekhyun, Kyungsoo, Tao and Chanyeol’s forms were illuminated for the whole of South Korea, and beyond, to see on their very own debut stage. They’d spent the entire summer preparing their album and now, just 7 months after their discovery, they were being broadcasted all over the country, just like they’d always wanted.
Lu Han ducked down and ran over to where Minseok was stood. “How did I do? Was it alright?”
“You were perfect, just like I said you’d be. Stop worrying!” He reached forward and intertwined their fingers. “I’m so proud of you.”
And he was. Since their reunion, Lu Han hadn’t had an easy time of it but he’d pulled through. In the end he’d reported the behaviour of his manager to Lee Soo Man himself who, as it turned out, had no idea the suit had been so manipulative and responsible for Lu Han’s rebellious actions. In fact, he decided to fire him on the spot and Lu Han had been cut free from those chains to finally be the artist he wanted to be, that he deserved to be.
On top of that, his Japanese promotions had taken up his entire summer but Minseok had been waiting for him back in Seoul all along. Once they united again at the end of August, Minseok had made sure the two of them had made up for lost time. Over the course of their time together, some of Lu Han’s memories had slowly filtered back, although there were some that remained elusive - but it didn’t matter. They’d pieced together even better memories.
He later found out it was Jongin who sent Lu Han the video of him singing their song.
It was Jongin who, for whatever reason, decided to spill the truths to Lu Han’s ears about everything that had happened. Whether it was out of atonement for the hate he’d spread or because of a genuine change of heart, that remained a mystery. The rumours whispered of a Kim Jongin no longer under the label of SM but now signed to a different company in Seoul. It had all been too much in the end, it seemed, and a part of Minseok prayed the dancer would find himself somewhere, wherever he was, and be happy, away from all the star that had once broken his heart and now ran his fingertips over the palm of a certain walking steamed bun.
Amongst everyone in the masses cheering for the band, there was one shout that echoed louder than the others. Waving her arms manically at the front was none other than Jung Minah, a colourful ChanBaek poster hanging from her hands.
And this was the same Jung Minah who, from a fresh-faced 13 year old to hormonal teenager to grown woman, continued to wave her Urban Blackout banners throughout her school days and drum lessons, even into university where she joined an all-girl indie group of her own. Six years on, she got to thank Chanyeol for everything in person at a fansigning and he’d never hugged anyone so tight, and even admitted to seeing her banners all along. In fact, he purposely sought her out in every crowd. It made her heart sing to finally tell him in person that, since that morning in March 2012, she’d forever quoted Park Chanyeol as her inspiration, and his eyes glistened to hear those precious words he would never forget.
Because a star never dies, it only changes state; living eternally and existing no longer for itself, but for the betterment of the rest of the universe. It shatters its soul out into the emptiness of space in the hope of kindling a new era, a new star, and catalysing the birth of other great wonders. The glowing light of creativity and inspiration that had burned inside the Hallyu star had eventually sparked a whole new generation of other stars to fill the sky.
And so the phenomenon that was Urban Blackout on delicate teenage hearts and Kim Minseok’s illustrious songwriting career and the progression of Kim Jongdae into entertainment law and the future of a young fan’s near-impossible dreams was born out of a supernova named Lu Han and the ripple of creation continued on.
Until the very end.
So, there we have it! Two months later and I finally finish it!
I just wanna say thank you so much to every one for reading this, it’s a story that is very close to my heart. I’ve been reading your incredible comments and messages all along and I’m so grateful for all the nice things you guys say, you’re seriously the best!
If for any reason you want to contact me, you can find me on my tumblr (where I spend 95% of my time):
kimjongasm.tumblr.com Regarding translations - I'm super flattered that people have asked if they can translate this story into their own language. I do allow translations but you must ask permission first so I can keep track of everyone. I have only two conditions: 1. you must credit me as the author and 2. you must link to the original English version (either on here or AFF). If this is something you're interested in, leave me a message here or on my tumblr.