WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I hate to get on LJ and bitch about my life but seriously i had to do this somewhere. My whole fucking Christmas was ruined. I don't even LIKE Christmas to begin with, but I mean, everyone has certain things they enjoy, like I really enjoy eating the delicious food until I'm super fat and spending
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here is another Excerpt! (Though i'm feeling a little concerned because this is from way back in the story, and i feel like things are moving too fast, and my efforts to slow them down are making the story a little boring. :-/ Well anyway, I figure Zombie slaying can fix anything, so here you go!)
3,144 words so far! My road to mediocrity continues!!
Here are two new excerpts from my NaNoWriMo work, both of which occur before what I put up yesterday, naturally. The first is more of the The Frenchman! (by popular request). The second is an argument between the characters tentatively named Lenora Atwood and Wolf as they drive. ( The Frenchman )
Not really. I mean I'm feeling pretty optimistic about making it to nov 15 and still caring enough to write like 5 words a day.
Mostly this is me telling you all that I won't read, reply to, or care about anything you write for the next 30 days or until I lose interest in this project I am gladly joining my friends in participating in NaNoWriMo. My
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After a really fucking crazy weekend involving horse collicks, awkward dinners, parties until 6am, soccer, and new expereinces, I was exhausted last night, so, celebrating not having to go to work today, I slept until noon
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So it is so funny to see that i have decided to write an update only to see everyone else is frantically updating as well! That is cool; I will simply add to this rush of livejournal writing. So:
1. As my friends screaming hoards of adoring fans on FaceBook already know, I had a very incredibly delicious lunch today. I sauteed mushrooms in butter
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So worse than all the effects of actually having this horrific cold (wheezing so badly I had to take an inhaler in order to breath properly this morning, coughing continuously throughout the night, feeling like I'm rocking back and forth when I sit down because my inner ear isn't working properly, suffering wave after wave of nausea, and having to
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