Title: interference Rating: PG Pairings/Characters: Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley/Neville Longbottom Warnings: Threesome Prompt: 06. Hold On Summary: Because all that you are is broken inside. ( interference )
Title: survive the fall Rating: PG Pairings/Characters: Katniss Everdeen & Finnick Odair Warnings: None Summary: And don't you know there's a war on? ( survive the fall )
Title: what's to understand Rating: PG-13 Pairings/Characters: Declan Coyne/Holly J Sinclair/Fiona Coyne Warnings: Threesome Summary: Awkward doesn't necessarily equal bad. And why does it have to be anyone's fault, anyways? ( what's to understand )
Title: ampersand Rating: PG Pairings/Characters: Adam Torres/Eli Goldsworthy/Clare Edwards Warnings: Threesome Summary: This is something they can do, something that works for all of them. ( ampersand )
Title: impropriety Rating: PG-13 Pairings/Characters: One-sided Fiona Coyne/Holly J Sinclair Warnings: None Summary: It's wrong in so many ways, but that doesn't stop her from wanting it. ( impropriety )
Title: reconstitution Rating: G Pairings/Characters: Adam Torres/Eli Goldsworthy/Clare Edwards Warnings: Threesome Summary: Everything has to have a beginning. This is theirs. ( reconstitution )
Title: chrysalis Fandom: Degrassi Pairing/Characters: Adam Torres Rating: G Warnings: None Summary: Chelsea just wants the outside to fit the inside. ( chrysalis )