Hurray for me. Just a few things to unload from my mind, and thanks to Mr. Al Gore for inventing things like salt water and the internet, because I have a place to put them!
So yesterday I played hooky from work... (
and went to a taping of the Maury show! )
Comments 5
*shakes head* That's fucked up man
As a guest.
March 1995 - Jenny Jones - Meeting Online Loves for the first time (before internet dating was common).
Nov 1995 - Gordon Elliott - Big Bad Beautiful Babes.
I had a good time doing the shows and they treat you real well. At least they did back then. Jenny Jones show calls me up at least 3 times a year wanting me to do a plus size girl show but it's always something tacky and they want you to dress sleazy and that's not what I'm about so I always turn them down. The shows I did weren't "sensationalized" for ratings - they were fun shows. There wasn't cue cards or anything but we were told to "show energy" before we were put out there. But it wasn't faked. These days you never know.
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