Title: Counting Rating:T Characters:Ezio/Leonardo Summary: Based off the carriage scene, where Ezio tells Leonardo to go on ahead and takes on a small army by himself.
Thanks! And yeah, me too - I always use all of my smokebombs in the mission where you fly into the Palazzo Ducale. I just wish I had them earlier, or more of them.
This is a really well written story, and it flows really well, especially with the sort of numbering you included. Only one little suggestion I have to make; "At least he was fighting to protect life, instead of to bring death." The last bit is a bit blocky and awkward, so maybe switch "instead of" to "rather than", so that it flows a little easier? But other then that, great job! :)
Comments 10
I love it. Ezio taking the chance to stand against the guards on his own because he knows Leonardo would be in danger.
T^T Ugh, I'm not looking forward to playing the carriage scene. I'm petrified I'm gonna kill Leonardo by accident.
It's actually what Ezio does - he says the part about them being here for him, not Leo.
Surprisingly, I never accidentally killed Leo. He yelled at me several times for nearly tipping the carriage over, but both he and Ezio survived.
And a lovely ending!
But other then that, great job! :)
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