We interrupt the total lack of posting to inform you that the Scott Pilgrim movie is the most awesome anything in the history of ever. Go see it immediately. Right now. You've missed the 5:00 showing, but if you hurry you can make the one at 5:45.
I have confirmed how much I dislike studying philosophy. It really wasn't just a personal grudge against the jerk professors I had during sophomore year. Reading these stupid arguments bugs the crap out of me
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I have passed my lead test at the climbing gym, and got my shiny yellow certification tag. Now I can go hurt myself in new and interesting ways
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Today I went to a repair shop with the camera I dropped at DragonCon '08. The guy there examined it with much headshaking and "hmm" noises and flipping through repair manuals, and eventually gave me an estimate of $150 for parts and labor
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The cold weather and dry air have been playing havoc with my sinuses for weeks. I have been eating decongestants like candy, which is probably not a great idea. In an attempt at a nonpharmaceutical remedy, I've just bought and used a neti pot.
Pouring water through one's skull is a very weird and disorienting sensation. I think I can smell my
Today is my last day at this job. It's time to pack up all my stuff, uninstall software I put on the machine, and nuke any personal data that may be left behind. This means Firefox is going away, and I'm going offline
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