Title: A Convenience Love (1/?) Rating: PG so far Pairing: JongBer(Jonghyun/Amber) Summary: Jongjhyun meets Amber under rather unusual circumstances at her job.
I know, weird pairing XD comments are love if you dare give it a shot <3
Small icon dump! I'm pleased as punch that I can bring you guys icons again! Same rules as usual please comment and always credit and no hotlinking porfavor!
[1] Daesung (BB) [1] GD (BB) [3] Gummy (solo) [1]Narsha (BEG) [1] yejun (F.CUZ) [1] Amuro Namie (solo) [2] Park Shi Ye (actress)
Name: Of Idle Threats and Old Bonds Characters: Amber, Justin Fandom: Vardaark Warnings: PG-17 for language and sexual refrences Summary: Just read it. It’s short and semi-worth it. ( Read more... )
Warnings: Violence Disclaimer: These are actually my characters and my ideas, so if you would please, do not use them in your stories unless asking me first.
I love writing drabbles! I truly do, it gives me a chance to be creative without worrying about how to make it long etc, plus I just love writing period
( Read more... )
I took some creative liberties(well more than usual)with this chapter in dealing with Yuki's character. I hope you don't mind too much. This is my longest chapter yet and I am very proud of it, not because of the quantity but the quality--I hope you agree.
Since I'm going to be posting a lot of writing here, and possible Personal entries I want to make this Journal Friends Only. To avoid flames, embarassment, etcs. etc. You know. The Usual. Just comment here and I'll most likely add you as long as we have common interests.