Title: Star-crossed
Author: Masuhisa
Pairing: Matsumiya
Summary: Based on Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’, Nino had been taught to hate his father’s other family. Up till now, he had done so, but what happens when he falls for the person who he had been made to abhor?
Disclaimer: Don’t own.
Chapter 1][
Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Epilogue] Epilogue:
“Is it possible to get drunk on roller coasters?” giggled Nino as he stumbled into their hotel room.
“Judging by the way you were laughing and walking, I would say ‘yes’,” laughed Jun as he escorted Nino to the bed.
“Then I may become a roller coaster addict!” chuckled Nino as he felt onto the bed with a loud plop sound, “I’m so tired…”
Jun dropped their souvenirs on the table and placed the overly huge stuffed dog that he won for Nino at a games booth on the luggage rack and climbed on the bed so that he was hovering over Nino.
“Are you too tired to…” asked Jun, trailing off.
Before they knew it, their clothes were tossed unceremoniously all over the floor, “Wait…” said Jun, making Nino freeze.
“What’s wrong?”
“Isn’t this kinda wrong?” asked Nino timidly, “I mean we share the same genes,”
“Only half,” Nino reminded him, “Which means that it’s only half wrong,”
“How can this be half wrong?”
“Good point, looks like we’re going to have to do it twice so that it’ll be a whole number,”