Title: Of Sexually Transmitted...
Pairing: YunChun, JaeSu, JaeMin, HoMin, OT5
Rating: R
Genre: Smut, Crack
A/N: Yay for genderswitch! I've finally written one where they start off as boys. LOL. Anyway, a silly fun romp that I hope you'll enjoy too.
so let go, jump in )
Comments 20
brb, reading. 8Dv
i love the pattern of passing it along and just the whole scene in the baths, rofl. and i was definitely flailing inwardly at the jaesu, the jaemin, and the yunjae.. and just over all of it!! *O* uwah~ *flail!*
teehee, i love your genderswitches so much~ *____* ♥
so glad you enjoyed it :DDDD and thanks so much for the encouragement too LOLOL. I'm glad i'm not way out there in crackland and people can still enjoy it hahah.
^///////^ thank you so much!! *HUGGLES* and man, I do do a lot of genderswitch don't I? ^^;;;; hahahah.
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Enjoyed this! Very fun!
It reminded me of the tvxq 'secret' they posted yesterday, that Yunho said if he ends up as a girl in the next life, he's looking forward to being able to cry as much as he wants. Poor Yunho, holding back his tears to be manly now *hugs*
thank you!!! so glad you liked it ^_^
REALLY??? wow. I had no idea. and yeah, Yunho :( I wish he didn't have to be so strong all the time; everyone needs their outlet in some form of another.
thanks for reading!!! <333
I APPROVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sends you
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