O HAI! This is mah sticky post, and if you found this journal, you must be looking for some fic to read. :D
Broken SmilesA little ficlet I did for the hando community on lj. Character study of Hiro. Rated PG.
Our Time Is Running OutStand-alone fic based on a Muse song. Angsty Wilson introspection. House/Wilson. Rated PG-13.
For Good: First TimesMulti-chapter House/Wilson. PreHouse to season 1. PG-13 to NC-17
Wut_teh_FakkIf you're interested in more crack-tastic House stuff, for a while I did episode recaps. I made a livejournal community to hold them all. So there ya go.
Too Well Do I Know, My FriendShort deleted scene between Lancelot and Merlin during 2x04- Lancelot and Guinivere. Rated G. Implied Merlin/Arthur and Lancelot/Gwen
WetSilly three-part cracky Kakashi/Iruka fic. Rated PG.
The Gooseberry Bush ChroniclesOne of my first forays into fanfic. INTENSELY cracky multi-parter. Earlier parts make fun of problems within Naruto canon, later parts deal with the issues of fandom. Even if you haven't read Naruto, I would suggest Episode 9: Love Hurts if you've noticed certain cliche angsting amongst teenage girl writers. You know what I mean. Rated R.
The Office
Getting All Your Bases CoveredOscar/Andy episode tag to episode 6x01 Gossip. Rated PG.
Three Strikes, You're OutSequel to Getting All Your Bases Covered. Oscar/Andy. Rated PG-13.
Bits and PiecesA series of stand-alone character studies that really don't have much to do with one another theme-wise, or even stylistically. Grouped together because I wrote them for a series of challenges at the livejournal community I set up with some friends called
rentforbastards that has since died out due to our lack of interest. The four parts of Bits and Pieces focus on Maureen, Collins, Mark, and finally, the gang as a whole. Rated PG-13.
Dying By SurvivingThis is, by far, the longest fanfic I have ever written. Therefore, I did not go through and re-edit before posting it here. Quite honestly, looking back at it depresses me as it's got a bit too much melodrama for my tastes nowadays, but it was quite popular in it's day and made me a bit of an internet celebrity in the RENT comms for all of five minutes, so I'm posting it. Mark/Roger extended UST. Ratings from PG to NC-17.
Living By LovingA couple little companion pieces to Dying By Surviving. Enough said. Rated PG.
Only Fools Rush InMy fic for the Secret Angels III fic exchange at the
deancastiel LJ community. Dean/Castiel. NC-17.
SpeechlessDeleted scene/introspection from 5x18. Dean/Castiel pre-slash. PG.
Dean's Not CryingCrack!Vid set to I'm Not Crying by Flight of the Conchords. Clips through S4. G.
If We Are WiseDeleted scene from 5x14. Dean/Castiel pre-slash. PG.
Price to PayDeleted scene from 5x13. Dean/Castiel pre-slash. G.
Not On My WatchDeleted scene from 5x03. Dean/Castiel. NC-17.
Torchwood/ Doctor Who
Well, That's SomethingFiclet in response to CoE. Jack/Ianto. Rated PG.
What's Up, Doc?Stand-alone birthday gift for pintsizeninja. Jack/Ianto and Ten go adventuring. Hijinks ensue. PG-13.
Give Me Pain if That's What's RealPost-COE slightly fix-it fic. Jack/Ianto. It's kind of like Head!Six from Battlestar Galactica? NC-17.
RevelationsJossed by series 3. Set post-series 2. Something's up with Ianto. Jack/Ianto up to NC-17. WIP.
Historical ContextIanto character study post series 2 jossed by series 3. Jack/Ianto NC-17.
Meta: CoEMy thoughts on CoE. R for swears and overreacting.
Meta: Golden AgeReview of radio play Golden Age. PG-13
Fan ArtI haven't done a lot. It's all there. :D Torchwood/Doctor Who.