hey gomby, i love you and no matter what you can always come to me to talk, about anything, course u already knew that but still. i am glad you are home to the extent that you will not be in pain anymore and we can get closer again, like we were when u were here at home. i know i can tell you this in person b/c u live in the room next to me, but i just thought id leave a little comment too!!! love you! Gomby 2
Wow! The commonalities accumulate!privatepraxisApril 17 2005, 21:24:56 UTC
Drew, I have struggled with similar issues throughout my twenties and (now) thirties. I realized toward the end of my first attempt at college that it just wasn't working. I had no clue what I wanted or needed to do and it seemed foolhardy to "keep at it" when I was no longer clear on what "it" was. I finally quit fighting the urge to stay in bed and cry all day and dropped out at 20. I moved to NY because I had this map of the city that I pulled out of a National Geographic and I looked at it all the time and dreamed about what it would mean to live in a city that has also made room for the lost and striving. Seven years later I felt more like myself and more sure of what I wanted from an academic experience. I re-enrolled and had a surprising, fulfilling time learning to move past my own self-imposed limits. My second stab at college was all about the joy of learning for learning's sake and figuring out how to balance school, career and a marriage. It was challenging, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. Ultimately, I
( ... )
Re: Wow! The commonalities accumulate!bama_muaddibApril 18 2005, 19:20:41 UTC
thanks for the warm-fuzziness. even the beachfront picture in your user icon suggests to me that you've come a long way and have a lot to smile about because of it.
as much karma as i've got to give back at you (from the "tantric drew" side of me) and may the road rise to meet you.
Comments 8
love you!
Gomby 2
as much karma as i've got to give back at you (from the "tantric drew" side of me) and may the road rise to meet you.
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