What is Fourth Walling?
Having characters from so many universes, it's hard to determine which pop culture references are acceptable, and which are not. For example, everybody knows Star Wars. It's a pretty famous series, endlessly quotable, with a lovable cast of characters. But once these characters cease to become fictions for others in the game, we can run into problems. How much can you, John Smith, know about Luke Skywalker? What is acceptable to tell him (or to even know about him), and what isn't? Some characters are avid pop culture nuts, and it would be helpful to let them know what they can and can't know about your character-- if anything at all!
While we expect there to be 4th Walling for characters of certain series, please be respectful of other players' wishes.
(500) Days of Summer
→ Summer Finn //
im_sid ↳
Permissions A
→ Mozenrath //
mightymorbid ↳
Permissions Alan Wake
→ Alan Wake //
waketerror ↳
Permissions Andromeda
→ Gaheris Rhade //
majorum_pride ↳
Pemissions Animorphs
→ Cassie //
lovefornature ↳
Permissions→ David //
sixthanimorph ↳
Permissions Avatar: The Last Airbender
→ Iroh //
grand_lotus ↳
Permissions→ Zuko //
restoringhonor ↳
Permissions B
→ Lua Klein //
dovehearted ↳
Permissions Battlestar Galactica
→ Dr Gaius Baltar //
to_be_caprican ↳
Permissions Black Jack
→ Black Jack //
dark_surgeonx ↳
Permissions Blood and Smoke
→ Tony Foster //
tadwizard ↳
Permissions Bloodrayne
→ Rayne //
rayney_day ↳
Permissions The Bourne Series
→ Jason Bourne //
brokenweapon ↳
Permissions Breaking Bad
→ Jesse Pinkman //
yeahscience ↳
Permissions Buffy the Vampire Slayer
→ Buffy Summers //
aboutpower ↳
Permissions C
Carmilla (novel)
→ Mircalla Karnstein //
languorously ↳
Permissions Castle Waiting
→ Sister Peaceful Warren //
solicitinerules ↳
Permissions Chuck
→ Chuck Bartowski //
scruffynerdhrdr ↳
Permissions The Curse Workers
→ Barron Sharpe //
sharpememory ↳
Permissions D
DarkGlass Mountain
→ Ravenna //
marsh_witch ↳
Permissions DC Universe
→ Cissie King-Jones //
notarrowette ↳
Permissions→ Dick Grayson //
batmanschmatman ↳
Permissions→ Edward Nygma //
puzzleprince ↳
Permissions→ Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle //
beetleboyblue ↳
Permissions→ Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow //
doctor_j_crane ↳
Permissions→ Slade Wilson //
terminates ↳
Permissions→ Tim Drake //
peektuttut ↳
Permissions→ Warren White //
warrenwhite ↳
Permissions The Devil's Backbone
→ Dr Caesares //
iam_aghost ↳
Permissions Discworld
→ Captain Angua von Uberwald //
uberwaldian ↳
Permissions Doctor Who
→ The Doctor (Four) //
doctor_scarf ↳
Permissions→ The Doctor (Seven) //
championoftime ↳
Permissions→ Irving Braxiatel //
archmanipulator ↳
Permissions→ Narvin //
timesbureaucrat ↳
Permissions→ Omega //
rass_bestie ↳
Permissions→ Rassilon //
times_creator ↳
Permissions Dragon Age
→ Morrigan //
tis_disapproval ↳
Permissions Dragonlance
→ Raistlin Majere //
hourglass_twin ↳
Permissions The Dresden Files (Books)
→ Molly Carpenter //
goodgrasshopper ↳
Permissions E
Easy A
→ Olive Penderghast //
worstsongever ↳
Permissions F
→ Reaver //
tatty_bye ↳
Permissions The Factory
→ Prefect //
buywithme ↳
Permissions Fahrenheit 451
→ Captain Beatty //
happinessboys ↳
Permissions FreakAngels
→ Arkady //
can_has_vodka ↳
Permissions From Dusk Till Dawn
→ Richard Gecko //
notafuckingnut ↳
Permissions Fullmetal Alchemist
→ Sloth //
momunculus ↳
Permissions G
G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra
→ Ana Lewis/The Baroness //
seeyaduke ↳
Permissions→ Cobra Commander/Rex Lewis //
stopthat_destro ↳
Permissions Gundam Wing
→ Heero Yuy //
result_of_war ↳
Permissions H
Hannibal/Red Dragon
→ Hannibal Lecter //
cannibalmind ↳
Permissions→ Will Graham //
grahamcommawill ↳
Permissions Harry Potter
→ Lucius Malfoy //
truemask ↳
Permissions→ Severus Snape //
emptyyourself ↳
Permissions→ Sirius Black //
sirius_is_a_dog ↳
Permissions Heroes
→ Claire Bennet //
some_kinda_hero ↳
Permissions→ Isaac Mendez //
future_games ↳
Permissions His Dark Materials
→ Will Parry //
becauseheswill ↳
Permissions Homestuck
→ John Egbert //
inheritors ↳
Permissions→ Vriska Serket //
itsaserket ↳
Permissions I
→ Ariadne //
buildindreemz ↳
Permissions→ Arthur //
paradoxlol ↳
Permissions Infected
→ Perry Dawsey //
hatestriangles ↳
Permissions Isaac Asimov's Robots series
→ Vasilia Aliena //
no_fastolfe ↳
Permissions J
Jackie Chan Adventures
→ Valmont //
plz_gtfo_dragon ↳
Permissions Jeeves and Wooster
→ Bertie Wooster //
helpmejeeves ↳
Permissions Jurisdiction
→ Brachi Stildyne //
der_umgekehrte ↳
Permissions K
Kim Possible
→ Shego //
gotgreenmagic ↳
Permissions L
→ John Locke //
justareverie ↳
Permissions M
Marvel Universe
→ Emil Blonsky //
givemeafight ↳
Permissions→ Luke Cage //
notiaraincluded ↳
Permissions→ Threnody //
shallnotreturn ↳
Permissions→ Wanda Maximoff //
scarlet_discord ↳
Permissions Men in Black
→ Agent K //
mib_agent_k ↳
Permissions Merlin
→ Merlin //
takeyouapart ↳
Permissions Michael Moorcock's Multiverse
→ Una Persson //
mrs_persson ↳
Permissions Murdoch Mysteries
→ George Crabtree //
19centconstable ↳
Permissions N
Nineteen Eighty-Four
→ Stephen O'Brien //
equalsfive ↳
Permissions O
Only Fools and Horses
→ Roy Slater //
thinkb4ublink ↳
Permissions Othello
→ Iago //
inhumandog ↳
Permissions The Outsiders
→ Dallas Winston //
failed_bluff ↳
Permissions P
Practical Magic
→ Frances Owens //
get_thebook ↳
Permissions The Pretender
→ Miss Parker //
you_run_i_chase ↳
Permissions Profit
→ Jim Profit //
raisedinabox ↳
Permissions Prose Edda
→ Loki //
lotoftrouble ↳
Permissions Prototype
→ Alex Mercer //
theviralsource ↳
Permissions Q
→ The Marquis de Sade //
impure_tale ↳
Permissions R
Reservoir Dogs
→ Freddy Newendyke/Mr Orange //
frickinbaretta ↳
Permissions→ Mr Pink //
likeprofesional ↳
Permissions Rome
→ Atia of the Julii //
veni_vidi_valui ↳
Permissions S
→ Amanda Young //
creatingalegacy ↳
Permissions The Scarlet Pimpernel
→ Armand St. Just //
young_idealist ↳
Permissions Shades of Grey
→ Jane Brunswick //
thebestnose ↳ Permissions
Sherlock (BBC)
→ Jim Moriarty //
consultcriminal ↳
Permissions→ Sherlock Holmes //
byronicsherlock ↳
Permissions Sherlock Holmes (1984 - 1994 Granada Adaptation)
→ Sherlock Holmes //
so_meretricious ↳
Permissions A Song of Ice and Fire
→ Arya Stark //
dont_tell_sansa ↳
Permissions→ Jon Snow //
snownotstark ↳
Permissions→ Viserys Targaryen //
wakethedragon ↳
Permissions Sorcerer’s Apprentice
→ Drake Stone//
flashy_magic ↳
Permissions Star Trek
→ General Chang //
general_chang ↳
Permissions→ Captain James T. Kirk //
captain_jtkirk ↳
Permissions→ Doctor Leonard McCoy //
doesnttrusttech ↳
Permissions→ Seven of Nine //
not_annika ↳
Permissions→ Spock //
frompurelogic ↳
Permissions→ T'Pol //
with_discipline ↳
Permissions Sunshine
→ Robert Capa //
ourlastbesthope ↳
Permissions T
Tamora Pierce's Tortall series
→ Master Lord Thom of Trebond //
giftedtwin ↳
Permissions Terminator
→ John Connor //
metallonkardia ↳
Permissions→ Sarah Connor //
terminatefate ↳
Permissions→ T-X //
t_x_unit ↳
Permissions Torchwood
→ Jilly Kitzinger //
jillykitzinger ↳
Permissions→ Owen Harper //
owenbeatsdeath ↳
Permissions→ Toshiko Sato //
hopeless_hacker ↳
Permissions Tron
→ CLU 2.0 //
systmadmin ↳
Permissions→ Rinzler //
ifightfor ↳
Permissions→ Kevin Flynn //
paranoidcreator ↳
Permissions U
Van Helsing
→ Aleera //
fanged_aleera ↳
Permissions→ Dracula //
feels_no_love ↳
Permissions Venture Bros.
→ 21 //
twoton21 ↳
Permissions W
→ King Arthas Menethil //
darknessb4me ↳
Permissions→ Highlord Tirion Fordring //
bybloodandhonor ↳
Permissions→ Vanessa VanCleef //
lifeafterhope ↳
Permissions The West Wing
→ Josiah "Jed" Bartlet //
nobelprez ↳
Permissions X
Reply to this post and fill out the form for EACH character:
Questions? Comments? Discuss.
Last updated: 11/8/11