It's that time again. Your weekly reminder about Church (Not). You know you want to come. Don't deny yourself. Don't deny us the pleasure of your company. Please, come.
OK, it's time again for the weekly whining, begging and pleading. Come to Church (Not). Please. I swear a great deal of fun is being had by all. We'd like to share. C'mon, you won't regret it.
Look people, I only have a limited amount of talent for humor. I can't keep writing some sort of amusing plea for your attendance every week. People need to show up. Please. Pretty please with sugar on top. So my humor well doesn't run dry.
Please come to Church (Not). It's lots and lots of fun. Much gay banter. There's even condom commercials. Funny ones. Please come. Makes puppy dog eyes.
Funny condom commercials. It just doesn't get any funnier than that.
So, be there or get pregnant and contract a horrible disease.
Since we ended up not doing it last week, I'll use last weeks prompt post. It's still good. No sense making up a new one when the old one still has plenty of life left
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All right people. It's almost time again for Church (Not). I want to see more butts in the pews. We had a couple of new people last week, but we need more
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