The Marrigan Legacy 2.3 +Heir Poll

Jan 05, 2013 17:27

Previous Updates:

1.1: Looking for a Spouse
1.2: True Friends
2.1: Babies Galore
2.2: Life is Great


Hey everyone, welcome back to the Marrigan's. :D This is a REALLY long update, so a ton happens. Also, it's time to pick the generation two heir!

Let's begin!

Emmy: Hehe, I put spoiled eggs in your omelet!
Wade: What.

Tessa: Butterflies!

Birthday time! Get ready to witness the aging of the first born of generation two!


Lance: Wow I'm a teenager!
Wade: Since when is my son a teenager!?

Yup, no favorites are being picked in this household.

I present to you... *DUN DUN DUNNN* ... Lance Marrigan! He rolled knowledge and his LTW is to become Criminal Mastermind - the top of the crime career. He's bisexual, and he likes sims with black hair and who are creative. However, he doesn't like that sim if they wear full face makeup.


Tessa: What is this shit? I asked for my bottle, you asswipe!

I love the bond that these two have.

Lance is imparting his knowledge into Nim's homework assignments!

Tessa: Fine, i'll get it myself bitch face.

This is one mean little girl. She's got a whopping two nice points. Can't wait until she matures.

Wade: Who's a little cutie? You are!
Tessa: Yes, tell me I'm your favorite.

Birthday time! I play the sims way too much. It seems like the time goes by way too fast when I'm simming.


Tessa: Nice, I can punch people with these!
Nim: Hi, sister! Now we can play red hands together!

Tessa: Like I'm playing red hands with you.


Nim: That hurt. Right here.

Tessa: You're such a pussy. No wonder dad loves me more.

I seriously have no idea how this happened, I swear. Tessa randomly started tormenting Nim - the nicest sim of the household.


I love you, my dear!

Tess started it.

You go, Nim! Stand up for yourself!

Nim: HAH. Take that, bully!
Tessa: My assbone...
Lance: Oh my goodness this is not how sisters should act towards each other!

Nim awoke from her slumber to rage about how she's mad at Tess for kicking her ass.

Nim: I'll teach her a lesson...
Tessa: I'm going to kick that little twat's ass again.

How mischievous!

Nim: Lemme at her, lemme at her!

Nim: You still love me, right Mr. Panda?

Note: the womrat then bit her and ran away.
(just kidding)

Birthday time for Nim! Let's see what puberty's done for her.


Nim: Yes! I'm a teen. :D
Tessa: Well shit.

Nim: Hey Tess, you mad you can't hurt me anymore?

Tessa: What the fuck's wrong with you? Just wait until I'm a teen and I'll beat your scrawny little ass.


Tess is actually very offended at Nim's remarks.

Here's the beautiful and dashing Nim Marrigan after her makeover! Sorry 'bout the pic. It was dark out. She rolled family and her LTW is to marry off six children. Well, fuck. That's a hard lifetime want, couldn't have gone with something a little less complex? Nim's straight, and she likes unemployed dudes who are charismatic. She doesn't like guys who wear hats, ew.

Nim: You know what, Lance? You're so much cooler than Tess.

Lance: Those are some true words, my dear sister.


Yay, no more sleeping in the middle of the living room...

The Marrigan's now have their very own cat! It's a female which I named Star.

Now do you see why I named her Star?

Star: Put me down you pest.

Such a cute kitty! It took me a while to convince myself to let them have a pet. Usually when I adopt pets in TS2, they all have these weird glitches where it doesn't allow them to eat from the pet bowl and they end up starving to death. I hope this goes differently!

Who the fuck are you? I ended my services with your program once Lance aged into a teen.

Speaking of Lance, he brought this girl home from school.

Lance: Don't mean to brag, but I have the largest action figure collection you'd ever seen. Care to follow me upstairs and fuck take a look?
Girl: Lolno.

Lance: Are you sure? 'Cause I can assure you they're all in mint condition.
Girl: Dude, I said no. Lay off.

Lance: Now that I think about it, you're not worthy of witnessing such treasured items anyways.

Sorry buddy, better luck next time.

Tessa: What? How can I be getting a B?

Tessa: Are you shitting me? I should be at least getting a C+, no higher.

Such a good little one.

I decided to give the matchmaker a second chance to find my sim a true love. Bad idea, I can tell you that much.

Lance: Oh matchmaker, please find me one in which I can spend my eternity with.

Matchmaker: Give me all your cash and I'll see what I can do.

Lance: Here's my entire life savings! All $825.00.

Matchmaker: That's it? You've got to be fucking kidding me.

Matchmaker: Yada yada yada, ala-cazam.

Lance: Thank you so much, wise old woman!
Matchmaker: Fuck you.

Lance: I spent my life savings on THAT. *shivers*

Lance: Are you really making me do this.
Date: Ah, so that's the bitch who brought me here.

Lance: *Attempts to 'wolf wistle'.
Date: WHAT are you doing.

Date: Don't EVER whistle at me like that again you son of a bitch.
Lance: Look I'm sorry, but you don't need to bring my mom into this!

I'm so proud of you, Wade! He keeps getting promoted, but I am unable to screenshot it because my laptop is shit.

Lol idk why I did this again, I thought maybe if I gave her more moo-lah she'd actually do her job right?

Nim: Please, fairy godmother. Please drop my love from the heavens into my front yard!

Nim: I too dream of having a family one day, and I a spouse which can impregnate me with my future six babies.

Matchmaker: You know how it works.

Matchmaker: More than I was expecting.

Matchmaker: Oh my majestical crystal ball, I commend you to send a young male from the sky.

Nim: Thank you SO much, you've just made my dreams come true!


This cat is just too cute. I cannot scold her, for she has done no wrong.

The next day, Lance brought a new lady friend home from school.


Lance: *Smolders*

Ava Holland: Nobody has ever given me that facial expression before! I think I'm ~in love.~

Thank you ACR! I present to you, fellow viewers: LANCE'S FIRST KISS. I thought it'd be Nim to have the first kiss of the gen. two kids, you know, being a family sim and all.


Lance: EVERYBODY, I have an important announcement to make!

At first I thought he was giving birth, those hand gestures and all.

Lance: This is not happening.
Ava Holland: Hey what are you--

Ava Holland: Oh

Ava Holland: You're getting your piss on my skirt.

For only having one chemistry bolt for each other, they sure did hit it off!

*Cues romantic love song.*

Why are you two sleeping in the same bed, I didn't ask Ava to sleep over.

WELL that escalated quickly.

Tessa: Goodmorning, bitch!
Nim: Good morning, hoe!

Can we just take a moment to realize the fact that Tess is almost a teenager, and that means she will be kicking Nim's ass all through college.

Tessa: And that's how we'll kill Nim, are you with me?

Star: Keep giving me treats and I'll kidnap the president for you.



Star: Soon.

Are YOU as scared as I am? Can a household pet actually be the cause of a sims death, does anybody know?

Tessa: Nim will you kiss me goodnight?

Nim: Like I'm kissing your rotten lips.

Hey at least she tried.

YOU'RE CLOSE, WADE MARRIGAN. So close to your LTW, just a few more promotions!

I sent Emmy and Wade on a date, because every couple needs to get away from the kids on a date night every now and then.

Wade: I'm drinking to forget my shitty house.
Emmy: I'm drinking to forget my children.

Oh, you two. <3

They continued on with date night and brought it to the bed where they had sex four times.

Emmy: Honey I'm home!

Emmy's actually been getting promoted quite a bit too, despite her sucky cooking skills. She's currently the Executive Chef, I believe!

Nim: Mmm, smells like roses. <3

Nim: I can't believe someone would actually send me an anonymous love letter!

Well, it's okay you can't believe it because it's for your brother.



Tessa: DAMN MY HANDS HAVE GROWN. That means more pain for Nim when I punch the absolute shit out of her!

Tess rolled fortune just like her daddy. :D Her LTW is to become Chief of Staff, she's straight and she likes sims who wear glasses and are logical. But no fatties.

Welp, all of the generation two children are teenagers. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS?! It's time to choose who will be heir! I'mma try to create a heir poll, but it seems difficult and I'm a slow learner, so if you don't see a heir poll PLEASE CAST YOUR VOTES IN THE COMMENT AREA. PLEASE.

Your choices are:

Lance "suave stalker" Marrigan.
Knowledge Sim
+ Black hair, artistic
- Charismatic

Short Summary:

Lance was the first born of generation two. His parents are Emmy and Wade Marrigan, he has two sisters: Tessa and Nim Marrigan. Lance enjoys action figures and horror films.


Nim "kindly courageous" Marrigan.
Family Sim
+ Unemployed, charismatic
- Hats

Short Summary:

Nim was the second born of generation two. Her parents are also Wade and Emmy Marrigan. Her brother is Lance and her sister is Tessa. She likes love letters and cleaning the house.


Tessa "fighting financier" Marrigan.
Fortune Sim
+ Logic, glasses
- Fatties

Short Summary:

Tess is the third and final child of Wade and Emmy Marrigan. Yada yada yada, brother: Lance, sister: Nim, yada yada, likes butterflies and fighting with her sister.

Well, there you have it! You're welcome for this extremely long update which took me way longer than needed, but hey, sim college awaits! Thank you, and ~let the voting be ever in your favor.~

LOL silly me, it was super simple to create the poll. Vote here!
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