If ever you are feeling happy and find that you would rather not, simply watch House of Sand and Fog, this being absolutely guaranteed to depress the fuck out of you.
Sarah and I live in a small house. Both of us moved here from larger places and, despite all the stuff we got rid of, we have a lot of crap. From time to time, we collect all of the least necessary things that are cluttering our 800 or so square feet and we stick them in the attic
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Go see "Bend It Like Beckham." If you live in Seattle (as almost anyone reading my livejournal does), you can see it at the Guild 45th for the low, low price of eight dollars and fifty cents. I smiled and laughed through the whole thing, except for the part where I cried.
Things have been going well for me at F5. I'm not on the phones yet (thank goodness) and I'm quickly coming up to speed on the products. Many of the people there are excellent, including the guy who is supposed to be my "mentor." In addition, I am enjoying the steady paycheck and livable wage
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