The Updated Members List
deine_liebeMilly_MonkeyAnother_Forevermegzee_burningxalivex________vanityfrozenmonkeythebestdayeversend_me_angel__hopelessyouthleujinspin_spin_sugarlushx_autumnboydozy_winterstartasteslikesexxnaienchanoiscoutshrinkthestarslittlemissipodeyesscreamxboourns28fyiagcgiownyouallxbitexmyxtonguei_dream_roboticadarknovemberwalflowrcharliexdismantlemechainsaw_poet97phonographnaneenyapinkpixyyourbreathmintsseductivebambirageagainstalltrufinelovexxanticipatexxunsoldhousessleightofhand__infictionblondeinblackpirahnaprincesssl33pingbeautyanxiousforpainin_dust_blaxil0vemybed_pen_xylerastrojust4mariacorpsetasticpurplepolkadotarsenicxlacegummynekoadiktid2muziceverett_zeroconfusedkidothedepthsofhellmissmalyssalynngluemexeternalxlifexemotionalyweirdnotcoffeeantiflagmouseravenmercanbjschaeferinvaderleepiggywinkrudie_patootielikepaperdollsr0ttenpixiestarry_eyed_kid Rejected
imbr0kenkrash_dummypiecesxmended_kaayythow_i_hate_youstigmata242evilvillezephyrl8mytemporaryhighsweet_cloroformchina_rosesblack_torturebalthaserxxalone_4everxxxuntouchabledarkened_mindleigh_beenightmarezangeltoxic_punke121nc4mp05suzi42punk_hottiexkatelynnxlaurenluvsyatrigger_romancescaram0ucheorangegrapesxdemented_mindxxsnakexratxpainisbeauty666drrosensteinmdoffthewallpixiepoussin_rougetrotsniffarustysmurfbruisemepleasexviciousvixenxxosustainyouxoshatterdxstarsxpeefy Pending
misfitsfeindm25 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
If you are not yet stamped, then you get to wait until Jana (our wondrous mod) gets back into town. She is the only one with the authority to stamp an applicant. So be patient.
If you are a member (or know of someone who is) that is not on this list, let me know as soon as possible so i can rectify my mistake. I spent the last five nights going post by post through this community so as to be thorough in my list. If I missed you, it was probably due to lack of sleep.
Also, if you are a member, don't forget your duties. Vote and Promote until your fingers turn black and fall off (or at least until you get tired...)
If you know any of the above members that are not active right now, please contact them (via their personal LJ if all else fails) and ask why they are not participating. If they express that they are no longer wanting any part of the comm, let me know and I''ll remove their name.
We currently have 73 stamped members and an average of around 20 active voters. This will not do. Especially considering the fact that the majority of the voters are the "new guys".
Also, if anybody has the time to make some promotional banners (and links to them) for the community, that would be greatly appreciated.
Any other concerns, please contact
naienchan, or myself.