Well as I was holding Jaeda in the bathroom waiting for Kaia to go number 2 the baby bjorn mini potty was sitting right in front of us so I thought I would just have fun and let Jaeda sit on it while Kaia was going to the bathroom. About 20 seconds later she peed in it! Total coincidence I am sure but fun anyhow. :)
Our house broke ground Friday so I am blogging about it on my other blog so I can send it out to the masses without privacy issues on this blog. http://bloomingcedars.blogspot.com/ If you are interested in seeing pictures and me talking about the neighborhood then you can see it on my blogspot. Let me know if that link doesn't work.
Jaeda has two new teeth now. She started crawling a week and a half ago. She is growing up so fast! I will have to try to take some pics of her new teeth but my camera is broken :(. $250 to repair it. $397 to replace $699 to get a much better one. I don't know which route I will go....anyone want a Canon XTI that needs repairing? I don't
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A huge hunk of honeycomb fell on to our deck from (I am guessing) the cedar tree in our backyard. When I say huge it is bigger than an adult's average head. Any ideas what to do with it? I am sure it is housing organic honey but I am waiting to make sure no bees are left before I check it out.