I feel badly about not even thinking about awarding banners to people for the Challenges I’ve hosted, but it was because I’m not a banner-maker and didn’t think of it. So, before another year passes, I’d like to invite those who would enjoy sharpening their skills to create personalized banners for my past, current and future Challenges. The first Challenge was issued back in 2007, so I figure it isn’t too far removed for people to still enjoy them. After all, people keep banners from earlier Challenges on their Profile Pages, right? So if you would like to sign up, there are several Challenges, and most don’t have an extremely long list of participants, and even the long ones have multiple entries by one person, so that cuts down on the number of banners needed.
I was inspired to do this project by
the_huntresss, who made such lovely banners for the
2008 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge this year. She also made samples for the
2008 Wonder Woman Love Fic/Art Calendar Challenge, which can be viewed on my
Profile Page. This Challenge is a special case, as it enfolds 12 separate prompts for the year, so I figured it would be more practical to simply make one banner for the entire year rather than for each separate month. The number of participants are manageable for the person who chooses this Challenge. There are less than a dozen participants due to multiple entries by a handful of people scattered throughout the different months.
If you are interested, please
read more:
So, it’s simple: just sign up for the Challenge/Challenges you would like to make banners for by making a comment on this page. When you finish your claims, if you’d like to do more, then make another claim. I’ll cross off those Challenges that are claimed and make a notation when the banners are finished.
2008 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge is already crossed off and completed by
the_huntresss, whose generous offer of making banners got me thinking about this project in the first place. :)
Please note to list my name as BradyGirl_12 instead of just BradyGirl. I found someone else on LJ with the latter name and need to separate myself. Thank you. :)
Also, since I suffer from OCD, you'll probably be asked to make changes, so please send your examples to me at bradygirl66@yahoo.com before posting them for taking. For instance, please note capital 'G' in my name, a quirk that I used to spell it all as one word. *sighs* It's not easy living with OCD, but I do my best.
When you are finished with your banners, please place them on the Challenge’s Master List page (only exceptions being the first two, which had no separate Master Lists, so you’ll have to place them on the Challenges’ Main Pages), then make a new comment here to let me know they’re ready. I’ll post an announcement on my LJ.
The Master Lists are the pages to consult for the names of participants. They are complete and easy to read. :)
Here are the lists of Challenges and their Master Lists (please note that
jen_in_japan will be a different name (e-mail me at bradygirl66@yahoo.com) and that Lisa should be
No. 1:
2007 BradyGirl’s Fic/Art Beltane/Spring Challenge No Master List was made. Check the
Main Page.
Completed by
cycnus39 No. 2:
2007 BradyGirl’s Fic/Art Sons Of The Beach Challenge No Master List was made. Check the
Main Page.
Completed by
ctbn60 No.3:
2007 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge 2007 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 4:
2007/2008 DCU Fic/Art Chocolate Challenge 2007/2008 DCU Fic/Art Chocolate Challenge Master List Completed by
roguecatwoman 2008
No. 5:
All the Wonder Woman Love Fic/Art Calendar Challenge Links are here. Completed by
pervyficgirl No. 6:
2008 DCU Fic/Art Valentine’s Day Challenge 2008 DCU Fic/Art Valentine’s Day Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 7:
2008 DCU Fic/Art St. Patrick’s Day Challenge 2008 DCU Fic/Art St. Patrick’s Day Challenge Master List Completed by
aranel_took No. 8:
2008 DCU Fic/Art Bondage Challenge 2008 DCU Fic/Art Bondage Challenge Master List Completed by
aranel_took No. 9:
2008 DCU Fic/Art Gaia/Earth Day Challenge 2008 DCU Fic/Art Gaia/Earth Day Challenge Master List Completed by
roguecatwoman No. 10:
2008 DCU Fic/Art Endless Summer Challenge 2008 DCU Fic/Art Endless Summer Challenge Master List Completed by
gaudy_night No. 11:
2008 DCU Fic/Art Mood Ring Challenge 2008 DCU Fic/Art Mood Ring Challenge Master List Completed by
gaudy_night No. 12:
2008 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge 2008 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge Master List Banners already completed by
the_huntresss, the inspiration for this project. :)
No. 13:
2008 DCU Fic/Art Family Winter Holidays Challenge 2008 DCU Fic/Art Family Winter Holidays Challenge Master List Completed by
pervyficgirl 2009
No. 14:
2009 DCU Fic/Art Cast Of Thousands!!! Challenge 2009 DCU Fic/Art Cast Of Thousands!!! Challenge Master List Completed by
gaudy_night No. 15:
2009 DCU Fic/Art Tabloids Challenge 2009 DCU Fic/Art Tabloids Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 16:
2009 DCU Fic/Art Valentine’s Day Challenge 2009 DCU Fic/Art Valentine's Day Challenge Master List Completed by
aranel_took No. 17:
2009 DCU Fic/Art St. Patrick’s Day Challenge 2009 DCU Fic/Art St. Patrick’s Day Challenge Master List Completed by
aranel_took No. 18:
2009 DCU Fic/Art Spring Rain Challenge 2009 DCU Fic/Art Spring Rain Challenge Master List Completed by
gaudy_night No. 19:
2009 DCU Fic/Art Summer-By-The-Sea Challenge 2009 DCU Fic/Art Summer-By-The-Sea Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 20:
2009 Wonder Woman Love Fic/Art Bullets ‘N’ Bracelets!!! Challenge 2009 Wonder Woman Love Fic/Art Bullets ‘N’ Bracelets!!! Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 21:
2009 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge 2009 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge Master List Completed by
zenithjolt No. 22:
2009 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Halloween Challenge 2009 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Halloween Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 23:
2009 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Winter Holidays Challenge 2009 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Winter Holidays Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 24:
2009 DCU Fic/Art Glitter Winter Holidays Challenge 2009 DCU Fic/Art Glitter Winter Holidays Challenge Master List Completed by
robingurl 2010
No. 25:
2010 DCU Fic/Art The Wheel Of The Year Challenge 2010 DCU Fic/Art The Wheel Of The Year Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 26:
2010 DCU Fic/Art Valentine’s Day Challenge 2010 DCU Fic/Art Valentine’s Day Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 27:
2010 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Valentine’s Day Challenge 2010 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Valentine’s Day Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 28:
2010 DCU Fic/Art Bondage Challenge 2010 DCU Fic/Art Bondage Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 29:
2010 DCU Fic/Art Green Challenge 2010 DCU Fic/Art Green Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 30:
2010 DCU Fic/Art Wee!Dick Challenge 2010 DCU Fic/Art Wee!Dick Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 31:
2010 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Summer Heat Challenge 2010 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Summer Heat Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 32:
2010 DCU Fic/Art Summer Vacation Challenge 2010 DCU Fic/Art Summer Vacation Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 33:
2010 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge 2010 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 34:
2010 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Halloween Challenge 2010 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Halloween Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 35:
2010 Station_51 Emergency! Fic/Art Halloween Challenge 2010 Station_51 Emergency! Fic/Art Halloween Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 36:
2010 DCU Fic/Art Snow Winter Holidays Challenge 2010 DCU Fic/Art Snow Winter Holidays Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 37:
2010 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Winter Holidays Challenge 2010 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Winter Holidays Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 2011
No. 38:
2011 DCU Fic/Art Valentine’s Day Challenge 2011 DCU Fic/Art Valentine’s Day Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 39:
2011 Wonder Woman Love Fic/Art 70th Anniversary Celebration Challenge 2011 Wonder Woman Love Fic/Art 70th Anniversary Celebration Challenge Master List
Completed by
ctbn60 No. 40:
2011 DCU Fic/Art Dick Grayson Challenge 2011 DCU Fic/Art Dick Grayson Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 41:
2011 DCU Fic/Art Steve/Diana Challenge 2011 DCU Fic/Art Steve/Diana Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 42:
2011 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Halloween Challenge 2011 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Halloween Challenge Master List
Completed by ctbn60
No. 43: 2011 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge 2011 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 44:
2011 DCU Fic/Art Silver-‘N’-Gold Winter Holidays Challenge 2011 DCU Fic/Art Silver-‘N’-Gold Winter Holidays Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 45:
2011 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Winter Holidays Challenge 2011 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Winter Holidays Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 2012
No. 46:
2012 DCU Fic/Art Valentine’s Day Challenge 2012 DCU Fic/Art Valentine’s Day Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 47:
2012 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Valentine’s Day Challenge 2012 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Valentine’s Day Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 48:
2012 DCU Fic/Art Dick Grayson Challenge 2012 DCU Fic/Art Dick Grayson Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 49:
2012 DCU Fic/Art Angels Challenge 2012 DCU Fic/Art Angels Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 50:
2012 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge 2012 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 51:
2012 DCU Fic/Art Silver Bells Winter Holidays Challenge 2012 DCU Fic/Art Silver Bells Winter Holidays Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 2013
No. 52:
2013 DCU Fic/Art Chocolate Valentine’s Day Challenge 2013 DCU Fic/Art Chocolate Valentine’s Day Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 53:
2013 DCU Fic/Art Dick Grayson Challenge 2013 DCU Fic/Art Dick Grayson Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 No. 54:
2013 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge 2013 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 2014
No. 55:
2014 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge 2014 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 2015
2015 DCU Fic/Art Dick Grayson Diamond Anniversary Challenge 2015 DCU Fic/Art Dick Grayson Diamond Anniversary Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 2015 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge 2015 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 2016
2016 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge 2016 DCU Fic/Art Halloween challenge Master List Completed by
ctbn60 2017
2017 DCU Fic/Art Wonder Woman Diamond Anniversary Challenge 2017 DCU Fic/Art Wonder Woman Diamond Anniversary Challenge Master List
Completed by
ctbn60 ![](http://xyz.freelogs.com/counter/index.php?u=bannersall&s=7seg)
this counter installed 8/23/09