Glad to have you both back doing what you do best (or at least of what we know about)This chapter carries hope but also dread. It's like a silver cloud with a black lining-I'm soooo original. Kim doesn't remember enough about himself to know at the beginning he was a good man and that makes me fear for what appears to be, that other than death, can totally take Domino away. Teri is doing all he can, but will it ever be enough? And will Teri have to be the one to pull the trigger one day? Will Kim wait until Teri makes arrangements? Domino lurks-just waiting it appears... I have so missed your writing Randall
Poor Teri what price did he pay to save Kim? By saving Kim's life he killed their love since Kim remembers nothing of their past. So sad. And is Dom really gone or is he dormant biding his time until he can enact his revenge. Fascinating post Hon. Hope you have a wonderful 2007. And thanks for posting when you have had such a busy schedule. Take care of yourself.
thanks beth and I hope you and rod got some time to celebrate amidst the hard work! maybe kims memory will return or maybe they will fall in love all over again, ya never know!
Can't believe you posted!reader1January 2 2007, 18:09:40 UTC
Now just when, in all your free time, did you write this little gem? I know you've been killed, so that makes this one all the more special. It's really good to have the repartee going between you and Cael again. We all missed it
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Comments 48
This was so well done, Ran.
It also made me fear for Justin.
I have so missed your writing Randall
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