brokenlooksx's LJ stalker is days_frm_waking!days_frm_waking is stalking you because you made a nasty comment on their LJ. They are also getting with your significant other!
oh today, what a day. my mom sheduled me an appointment with a counselor, the same one she went to when she was going through a divorce with my father. hahaha.
i've learned not to care, and you make it very easy i thought you should know. on a lighter note, monday night was too great. im listening to one of the five cd's chris burned me. and six more days and counting left of school.
I cannot believe you, you are so horrible. I don't know what I did to you and I'm so sorry, but all the names you called me and the threats that you gave me really fucking hurt. And you know what, don't trust me anymore because i don't want it.