What is the most important value you can pass onto your child?
The importance of love. That one is key to being alive. You can't live without loving anything, even if it's only yourself. The importance of knowing when to be selectively honest. Believe it or not, when Daddy asks you what you're getting up to with your friends, he does not to hear
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Money, fame or happiness, you can only have one... what would you rather have and why?Money. You can buy shite amount of food with fame, unless you count people buying drinks for you, and happiness doesn't bring anything. You can starve to death and still be happy
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Tendered in my resignation yesterday and it's just hitting the papers. I don't like negotiation, dammit. I don't need any more reminders that I'm getting older and that I'm not as flexible as I used to be. The only time I like to hear about my body and what I can do with it is when I'm between two men and they're trying to figure out how to do it
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Would you choose to live forever if you had the choice?I think living forever would get awfully tiring after a while. Endless days in, days out. I imagine that even sex could become boring after doing it for a few thousand years. Yes, I know, how blasphemous of me. But it might. One does never know
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