I tried out
TrustFlow II for LiveJournal. The following people not on the friends list for
btot are close by:
- shepherdmoon , bahumet , azul_ros , static_ip , charweb , enfant_eternel (50 - 100)
- oro91 , snickermel , shooeylace , marajade893 , omnis_evil_twin , toshiyaxdeg , ngmaster , hedgies , flos_campi , iilii , eleryth , kaijugal , darkling_dreams , cynbaby , sarcasm_hime , sailormo , owlfish , _rosiel_ , jezeroth , muchitsujo , brap (100 - 150)
- melek , elvisheye , jaelaar , hawkmo42 , tergum , mindinacloud , astridian , naokihashimoto , fahrseeker , greylorn , innerimp , darkane , exofreeze , styggian , cuddlyrigormort , troll_speak , lily_fina (150 - 200)
- demonsex , niamhstar , bitchgoddessdm , vivaspinups , coffeeebreak , starlit_designs , stache_duo , mateorubio , ismellmusic , electradesigns , nhc_dreamer , laura121684 , nooneshabit , sw33t_seraphim , melbageek , dru_clix , cleolinda , rainofbastards , kellytizsmelly , eiluned , maria_alicia , katherinescott (200 - 250)
- nyanko_chan , zombiejam , oh__eff , mincedniku , lah_dee_dah , _tails_ , furlifoo , empressvv , jisuk , dixey , fungus_stuff , psychofish , arythusa_nymph , laurel_tx , mrkilgoretrout , autophobia87 , happinesstheory , forgetfullethe , 1billy , pumpkin_pantry , darth_brian , celticglory , viviselphie , butterfly200408 , mr_scarecrow , bahamutking , wanderingmound , larlar_ulysses , caaling , asthmaticninja , blurredyearning , abril , misjess , access (300 - 350)
Created by ciphergoth; hosted by
LShift. TrustFlow II: Who is closest to your friends
The following people not on the friends list for
btot are close by:
- shepherdmoon , bahumet , azul_ros , shooeylace , marajade893 , snickermel , epeezy_af , static_ip , charweb , enfant_eternel , brap , hawkmo42 , mindinacloud (50 - 100)
- toshiyaxdeg , ngmaster , hedgies , flos_campi , iilii , eleryth , kaijugal , darkling_dreams , cynbaby , sarcasm_hime , sailormo , owlfish , _rosiel_ , jezeroth , muchitsujo (150 - 200)
- maria_alicia , katherinescott , lcutie016 , romanticide_shu , star_pursuit , lemonyokan , coral_paralysis , wildroselolita , tellurianangel , maaya_tan , ka_dono , aiko273 , mo_mo_sama , twinkletoes747 , ladyalexiel , mistressoftea , mmistressm , andywithani , lstolarz , moonacidyue , starreemoon , un_raveled (200 - 250)
- styggian , paganvamp82 , jonnyilluminati , cuddlyrigormort , troll_speak , lily_fina , omgwtfbbqdxy , dr_pipper , teddydrifter , hypurkitty , kb_pearl21 (250 - 300)
- nooneshabit , thimble_child , elysesewell , starlit_designs , ismellmusic , laura121684 , melbageek , mollycrabapple , demonsex , niamhstar , bitchgoddessdm , vivaspinups , linearbloodshed , retnicole , coffeeebreak , stache_duo , everlyn , electradesigns , nhc_dreamer , sw33t_seraphim , dru_clix , cleolinda , rainofbastards , kellytizsmelly , bri_chan , eiluned , nyanko_chan , zombiejam (300 - 350)
- oh__eff , mincedniku , lah_dee_dah , _tails_ , furlifoo , jisuk , empressvv , dixey , fungus_stuff , psychofish , aurora_is_dead , arythusa_nymph , laurel_tx , mrkilgoretrout , autophobia87 , happinesstheory , forgetfullethe , 1billy , pumpkin_pantry , darth_brian , celticglory , viviselphie , butterfly200408 , mr_scarecrow , bahamutking , wanderingmound , larlar_ulysses , caaling , blurredyearning , abril , misjess , access (350 - 400)
The run will continue...