Title: The End and Beginning Rating: PG-13, because Itachi's a psychopath Characters: Itachi-centric Words: 1,284 Summary: Itachi had always strived to have almost no major weaknesses. He wasn't going to stop now.
1. I just realized I left the last two entries unlocked. Oops? ...Then again, I should probably leave some public so people will know how little sanity I have left what they're getting into
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The new chapter cover looks like a shoujo manga. XDD I guess Kishi really is targeting the fangirls now.
TEAM HEBI COLORS OH GOD WHYYYY. I don't mind purple. In fact, it was once my favorite color. Much of my room is purple. BUT NOT NEON PURPLE AND THEN NEON PINK. D: Just when I thought no one could beat
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