Chaos is when the boys have taken all the cushions off all the couches, spread them with blankets (and clean - well, previously clean - laundry), and then abandoned them in favour of lego and jigsaw puzzles...
and then leapt around the room on top of everything roaring at each other!
Something I read in a book yesterday by Joyce Huggett. She was quoting someone else, I've forgotten who, even forgotten the actual quote, and the title of the book, but the general gist of it stuck
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Last night, a short while after I'd switched off the light, Sam rolled over and looked at the clock. Wow! he said, it's not even 11'o clock! We snuggled down and enjoyed the thought of a decent night's sleep for a change
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Our neighbour S just gave us an enormous, very pink, plastic dolls' house with a large car, a large family, and a large amount of stuff to go with it
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