Just went through my LJ that I NEVER post to or update to delete QAF related friends. I haven't been into the fandom for over a year now, so I figure I might as well delete those friends. If users can see that they have been deleted from my list, please do not be offended (just join the Sentinel fandom). Hugs to my old QAF friends. It was fun! :)
A poster on the yahoo B/J spoilers group recommended that all B/J shippers start a letter writing campagne to Randy because of his interview. Randy must now write for Cowlip.
I would like to wake up to part 7 of Myrna's lastest fic. I'm crossing my fingers that it happens. I can just picture drinking my coffee and reading before the kids get up and torture me.
It's not too much to ask. It was very painful giving birth to them.