Today is breaking my heart, and there's only so much more I can take before I turn into a ball of blubbering mess. Natasha crying and hugging me just about did me in.
Okay so. Some of you may not know this little FF:FUN FACT about me. Over the past I dunno, couple of years? I've been a pretty avid RP-er on other journal sites. I started one back last March, and it lasted until this April. I'm going to give you all a rundown here, just because the video is a mesh of a lot of the characters, that won't really make
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Okay so, first and foremost. I have a new layout! You all know my devotion to Gossip Girl, but In Plain Sight is my newest favorite since I saw the pilot a couple of weeks ago. Seriously - imagine Veronica Mars grown up as a US Marshall. Oh snarktastic
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