It's painfully obvious no one cares. Things have gone from bad to worse for, me and I'm wondering what the point is, period. Usually I can snap myself out of it, now, pills don't even help.
So bye, all. If anyone is remotely interested, I have a blog now. Feel free to read, or comment.
May 09, 2010 23:35
I'm not doing well, guys. I feel so trapped where I am, and it doesn't help that the ex will not leave me alone, and yesterday, posted a bunch of personal stuff about me(without mentioning my name) on line. I'm not really eating(forcing myself to) I may have to get a TRO, I'm so lonely. I'm writing like a fiend, and pining for things I will
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i . give. up.
Feb 21, 2010 14:03
Which, of course is a shameless rip-off of "What can Brown do for you?" But anyway, I'm exhausted and broken hearted, so this will be short. Broken hearted because Mark and I are done, professionally, and any other way. No details, it just didn't work. Please don't ask
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alton frakkin' brown!
Jan 21, 2010 18:57
I just was wondering this. I was at Barnes and Noble (my second home) today, and I was in the Romance Novel section, (yes, I read them, sometimes, stop laughing) and I noticed that every single male on the cover of said romance novels had a shaved chest. No chest hair, whatsoever, and I couldn't help thinking...ICK. Now, I have no problem with
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silly poll