Title: Resident Geek
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairings: Edward/Bella
Rating: NC-17
Chapter: 14/?
Warnings: Strong language, sexuality, and underage drinking.
Summary: Geeky Edward thinks he has absolutely no shot with the popular, beautiful Bella. Is he right, or will she be one of the many girls who thinks geeks make for better lovers? OOC-AH.
Chapter 14 )
Comments 19
I don't think I'll ever get rid of Geekward in some shape or form.
And thank you for making it not nearly as bad as I feared.
I enjoy your EPOV in this (and in general), because he's experiencing all these irrational emotions and doesn't quite understand them, which I think is quite the genuine thing at that age, given his situation. At least he recognizes that he can't explain them, and he's used it to help him approach the situation with a maturity that most guys that age wouldn't be capable of... plus, you know, in general, Bella just brings out the best in him!
Thank you for reading! (New chapter is up, btw.)
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But that doesn't mean he couldn't make a guest appearance in an 'extra'. ;)
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