So, I have a two year old, and hang around lots of other parents. So this idea of "spanking" comes up sometimes. I don't believe in it. Here are some reasons why
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The coming and going of mother's day this year got me thinking about my own mother and my friendships with other women. I think they have some parallels
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So, it turns out that if, say, you take a bath with some olive oil in it to keep your skin from drying out, and then you do a somewhat indifferent job of washing your hair afterward, you may not actually wash out all the oil that your hair obligingly soaked out of the bath.
Tell you what, even when I was a teenager, I was not this oily.
I held off on joining Facebook for a long time, but around the end of the summer I decided that I was a bit lacking in social interaction and so I joined
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Early in the morning on December 24th, the toddler and I woke up with a good deal of emesis. The next 2 days resulted in mountains of laundry and the house taking on a dreadful sour smell
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Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel of the Super Cold of Doom. If it would just leave without causing me some otitis media that would be appreciated.