Stolen from sobloodycute❶ Choose an episode of anime or television series you have on your computer. Make sure you're certain you want that one, you cannot change or mind once you skips this step. DO NOT TELL YOUR FLIST WHAT YOU CHOSE
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Got this from signal1) Post a list of up to 20 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/bands etc. that you've had an obsessive fannish love or interest in at some time in your life
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I'm writing about Japanese culture for a teacher (:) fun freelance job!) and I need to know the Japanese word for sushi bar and I can't find it. Please help me out before late Sunday!
*sleepy* But I just finished some work and thought I'd post while I have time... Tomorrow's my civil service exam... I hope I do well. *sigh* I just know I'm not going to get this job, though
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Taken from Miaka-chan: Go to the Wikipedia home page and click random article. That is your band's name. Click random article again; that is your album name. Click random article 15 more times; those are the tracks on your album.